I learned something today:for inspiring teachers, schools are like home & students like family.Great lesson on World Teachers’ Day! #wtd2011

Twitter | October 05, 2011
I learned something today:for inspiring teachers, schools are like home & students like family.Great lesson on World Teachers’ Day! #wtd2011

154,000 Arabic Wikipedia entries. 374m Arabs! How can we learn when we don’t share what we know? Yalla, wikiArabic!

Twitter | October 02, 2011
154,000 Arabic Wikipedia entries. 374m Arabs! How can we learn when we don’t share what we know? Yalla, wikiArabic! http://t.co/LFVDN0CZ

154 ألف مقالة بالعربية على موسوعة ويكيبيديا يقرؤها 374 مليون عربي ! كيف لنا أن نعرف أكثر إن لم نتشارك فيما نعرف ؟

Twitter | October 02, 2011
154 ألف مقالة بالعربية على موسوعة ويكيبيديا يقرؤها 374 مليون عربي ! كيف لنا أن نعرف أكثر إن لم نتشارك فيما نعرف ؟ http://t.co/LFVDN0CZ

لا أزال أشم رائحة ريحان وزعتر عجلون. سعادتي بزيارتها اليوم كبيرة بحجم همة سيداتها ونشاطهن. #JO

Twitter | September 27, 2011
لا أزال أشم رائحة ريحان وزعتر عجلون. سعادتي بزيارتها اليوم كبيرة بحجم همة سيداتها ونشاطهن. #JO http://t.co/pnKbAJXZ

I can still smell the thyme & basil from Anjara in Ajloun! The local women are so impressive, just brimming with strength & will power. #JO

Twitter | September 27, 2011
I can still smell the thyme & basil from Anjara in Ajloun! The local women are so impressive, just brimming with strength & will power. #JO

Proud to stand next to President Clinton as #CGI members make important commitments to support Arab youth.

Twitter | September 22, 2011
Proud to stand next to President Clinton as #CGI members make important commitments to support Arab youth.

She does amazing work in health and education. Her strength is inspiring. She's @MelindaGates and now you can follow her on Twitter!

Twitter | September 21, 2011
She does amazing work in health and education. Her strength is inspiring. She's @MelindaGates and now you can follow her on Twitter!

Moved by compassion and commitment of speakers at Every Woman, Every Child. Great cause: MDGs 3-6

Twitter | September 21, 2011
Moved by compassion and commitment of speakers at Every Woman, Every Child. Great cause: MDGs 3-6 http://t.co/u0FEw409

All must work together to ensure this is not a lost generation, but rather the last generation to have to fight for education.

Twitter | September 21, 2011
All must work together to ensure this is not a lost generation, but rather the last generation to have to fight for education.

With Gordon Brown at launch of 1st coalition to bring business community to education community. #Education #Brookings

Twitter | September 21, 2011
With Gordon Brown at launch of 1st coalition to bring business community to education community. #Education #Brookings

As we remember that tragic morning ten years ago today, let us work together for better understanding and reconciliation. #Sept11

Twitter | September 11, 2011
As we remember that tragic morning ten years ago today, let us work together for better understanding and reconciliation. #Sept11

ألف مبروك لنشامى الأردن الفوز.. رفعتوا راسنا.. JO #NASHAMA#

Twitter | September 06, 2011
ألف مبروك لنشامى الأردن الفوز.. رفعتوا راسنا.. JO #NASHAMA#

A blessed #Eid to all of you and your loved ones. #JO

Twitter | August 30, 2011
A blessed #Eid to all of you and your loved ones. #JO

كل عام و انتم و من تحبون بصحة و أمن و طمأنينة #JO #Eid

Twitter | August 30, 2011
كل عام و انتم و من تحبون بصحة و أمن و طمأنينة #JO #Eid

His Majesty:"We will realise, in words and in deeds, a genuine achievement that will be a source of pride for all"

Twitter | August 14, 2011
His Majesty:"We will realise, in words and in deeds, a genuine achievement that will be a source of pride for all" http://t.co/ncXk5YK

سيدنا: "خطى ثابتة لبناء الأردن الجديد" #ReformJo

Twitter | August 14, 2011
سيدنا: "خطى ثابتة لبناء الأردن الجديد" #ReformJo http://t.co/hQn3oiK

From @UNICEF - The #HornofAfrica: This is what a full blown catastrophe looks like - Please RT #Kenya #Somalia

Twitter | August 10, 2011
From @UNICEF - The #HornofAfrica: This is what a full blown catastrophe looks like - http://t.co/MZ5k57n Please RT #Kenya #Somalia

Students @MadrasatiJo Summer Camp make traditional #Ramadan Qatayef (stuffed pancakes).Yum! #JO

Twitter | August 07, 2011
Students @MadrasatiJo Summer Camp make traditional #Ramadan Qatayef (stuffed pancakes).Yum! #JO http://yfrog.com/h4w9bgbj

أقراص العيد ضمن برنامج @MadrasatiJo الصيفي في رمضان. سلمت أيادي الأمهات! #JO

Twitter | August 07, 2011
أقراص العيد ضمن برنامج @MadrasatiJo الصيفي في رمضان. سلمت أيادي الأمهات! #JO http://yfrog.com/h3bgcguj

RT @marieismael: @QueenRania Assalamu Alaykum queen, I want to make "(hashtag)Ramadan" a trending tweet to teach people about our holy m ...

Twitter | July 31, 2011
RT @marieismael: @QueenRania Assalamu Alaykum queen, I want to make "(hashtag)Ramadan" a trending tweet to teach people about our holy m ...

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