#2011RemindedMe if we all adopt view that perception is more important than reality then we r collectively conspiring 2 forever bury truth
Twitter | December 29, 2011
#2011RemindedMe if we all adopt view that perception is more important than reality then we r collectively conspiring 2 forever bury truth
2011RemindedMe بأنك لن تندم على وقت لم تمضه في عملك، بل وقتا لم تقضه مع أحبتك وأهلك وأبنائك
Twitter | December 29, 2011
2011RemindedMe بأنك لن تندم على وقت لم تمضه في عملك، بل وقتا لم تقضه مع أحبتك وأهلك وأبنائك
#2011RemindedMe how we raise our children is greatest imprint we leave behind. There's no one right way, but an open mind is a must
Twitter | December 29, 2011
#2011RemindedMe how we raise our children is greatest imprint we leave behind. There's no one right way, but an open mind is a must
RT @ValeriMLafuente: #2011RemindedMe I am the author of my life and I write a pen¡ so I can not erase my mistakes but learn from them @Q ...
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @ValeriMLafuente: #2011RemindedMe I am the author of my life and I write a pen¡ so I can not erase my mistakes but learn from them @Q ...
RT @AliKhair: #2011RemindedMe to give more and expect less. To think positively and work for the nation not only for myself.
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @AliKhair: #2011RemindedMe to give more and expect less. To think positively and work for the nation not only for myself.
RT @KamelAlSh: #2011RemindedMe that can you get retweeted by Queen Rania. Here's to hoping she appreciates my terrible sense of humor.
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @KamelAlSh: #2011RemindedMe that can you get retweeted by Queen Rania. Here's to hoping she appreciates my terrible sense of humor.
RT @NoorTarawneh: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe to be blessed for having a safe country that we belong to #jordan
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @NoorTarawneh: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe to be blessed for having a safe country that we belong to #jordan
RT @MajdiSalaita: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe that every moment spent away from family and loved ones is precious time wasted.
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @MajdiSalaita: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe that every moment spent away from family and loved ones is precious time wasted.
RT @ZaidounK: #2011RemindedMe Spending quality time with my kids is the best future i can secure to them!
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @ZaidounK: #2011RemindedMe Spending quality time with my kids is the best future i can secure to them!
RT @GhiyaRushidat: #2011RemindedMe how much I love my country and how I can and should give back to #Jordan and its people, endlessly
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @GhiyaRushidat: #2011RemindedMe how much I love my country and how I can and should give back to #Jordan and its people, endlessly
RT @RawanDaas: #2011RemindedMe that you have to get back to your community, spread positivity and be committed to help others.
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @RawanDaas: #2011RemindedMe that you have to get back to your community, spread positivity and be committed to help others.
RT @HaninSh: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe That at the end of the day, and no matter how crazy things are, only your family can make every ...
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @HaninSh: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe That at the end of the day, and no matter how crazy things are, only your family can make every ...
RT @LumaQ: That there is great hope in our youth.. RT @QueenRania: #2011RemindedMe what did it mean remind you?
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @LumaQ: That there is great hope in our youth.. RT @QueenRania: #2011RemindedMe what did it mean remind you?
RT @JJBaybee: #2011RemindedMe that everyday, you are always more of the person you want to be, without needing 2 kill yourself to get th ...
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @JJBaybee: #2011RemindedMe that everyday, you are always more of the person you want to be, without needing 2 kill yourself to get th ...
RT @andikeptwalking: #2011RemindedMe that things average out in the long run. You appreciate the good because you've been through the ba ...
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @andikeptwalking: #2011RemindedMe that things average out in the long run. You appreciate the good because you've been through the ba ...
RT @OulaFarawati: #2011RemindedMe not to take anything for granted. Nothing and no one is constant. People change, evolve, rebel and live...
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @OulaFarawati: #2011RemindedMe not to take anything for granted. Nothing and no one is constant. People change, evolve, rebel and live...
RT @thiab: @QueenRania and self actualization comes from inner peace, harmony with the surroundings and clear vision towards the future
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @thiab: @QueenRania and self actualization comes from inner peace, harmony with the surroundings and clear vision towards the future
RT @AgharidAmin: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe إن إنتظار السعادة لن يجلبها أكيد و السعي لها يجعل الإحساس بها قريب ...
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @AgharidAmin: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe إن إنتظار السعادة لن يجلبها أكيد و السعي لها يجعل الإحساس بها قريب ...
RT @iyadabumoghli: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe that a storm is followed by a beautiful Spring.
Twitter | December 29, 2011
RT @iyadabumoghli: @QueenRania #2011RemindedMe that a storm is followed by a beautiful Spring.
2011RemindedMe أن أحمد الله سبحانه و تعالى كل يوم على بلدي وقائده ومن فيه ومن انتمى إليه.
Twitter | December 29, 2011
2011RemindedMe أن أحمد الله سبحانه و تعالى كل يوم على بلدي وقائده ومن فيه ومن انتمى إليه.
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