Queen Rania Tells ABC: "Nothing Can Justify the Taking of Innocent Lives"
Interviews | November 13, 2005
Good morning, everyone. We'll get to our election roundup with all four Congressional campaign chairs in a moment, but we begin with this week's tripl...
Queen Rania Launches Award to Honour School Principals
Press Releases | April 13, 2009
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday underlined the role of school-teachers and principals across the ...
In Interview with ABC, Queen Rania Talks about Education in Jordan
Interviews | February 01, 2006
Your Majesty thank you for sitting here and talking to us. Being a queen and being a social reformer makes you very unusual. You’ve been an advo...
Queen Rania Launches Arab Innovative Teachers Forum
Press Releases | June 27, 2007
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) In her continuous efforts to promote original opportunities for the Kingdom's teachers and access to...
Queen Rania's Interview with BBC - 2004
Interviews | February 18, 2004
It’s been five years now since you’ve been Queen. If you can go back to what it was like when you first, suddenly, knew that you would be the Queen of...
Queen Rania on GMA: “Jordan Is Very Committed to Fighting Honor Killings”
Interviews | October 16, 2003
She is striking, she is eloquent, and she is the 33-year-old Queen of Jordan, a country which has been trying to bridge the divide between the Arab wo...
Queen Rania Joins Jordanians in KAFA Awareness March
Press Releases | May 09, 2008
(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) Despite the rain and the chilly weather witnessed on Friday morning, thousands of Jordanians participated in ...
Queen Rania Calls for Setting Quality Control Criteria for Health Programs
Press Releases | March 14, 2007
(Jordan Times - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania asked the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) to coordinate its efforts with concerned institutions, ...
أهل الهمة
Blog & Op-eds | March 10, 2009
في حياتنا كثير من الأبطال. قد لا يكونون خارقين بقدراتهم الجسدية لكنهم دون شك خارقون بتفانيهم لفعل الخير، بهمتهم وحسهم العالي بالمسؤولية. هم من يستثمرو...
غزة العدوان، و ذاكرتنا الإنتقائية
Blog & Op-eds | May 02, 2009
كلنا يعرفها، فقد اختزلت الأخبار غزة .. جثثاً تنتظر من يكفنها .. قصص عائلات تأمل في من يرد عنها الأذى ... طرق مغلقة .. وأفواه جائعة .. ومساعدات تتدفق م...
Queen Rania Urges RHAS to Apply Its Programs to Schools
Press Releases | March 02, 2009
(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Monday urged the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) to apply its various health...
"ضرب أطفالنا خط أحمر"
Blog & Op-eds | November 30, 2008
ردا على مقال في صحيفة عمون الالكترونية
"معلمون يشخصون الاسباب التي دفعت الملكة رانيا لطرح قضية الضرب في المدارس"
السلام عليكم جميعا،
In Interview with CNBC/Capital Report, Queen Rania Talks about the Situation in Iraq
Interviews | October 17, 2003
And welcome back to CAPITAL REPORT. Her country is surrounded by violence and political upheaval, but Queen Rania of Jordan has gained a reputation as...
"حين تعجز الكلمة ويبكي الصمت"
Blog & Op-eds | January 29, 2009
لا يوجد ما يُِقال.. و لا يمكن أن تسعف الكلمة أيا منا هنا.. هكذا أحسست في الأيام الماضية.
لكن الصمت كُفر لا يقبله عقل أو دين .. ونحن بشر، والي...
Queen Rania Says Women Are Bedrock of Families and Crucial in Efforts to Achieve Progress
Interviews | July 23, 2005
What do you see your role, as Queen, to be? What motivates you in your work?
Queen Rania: I just see this title as a job, and my job is to serv...
كل عام و المعلم بخير
Blog & Op-eds | October 04, 2008
سلام على كل من حمل عبء الأمانة
سلام على المربي والمعلمة والملهم والمرشدة ... سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كل عام وأنتم خيرة الا...
Elle Magazine Talks to Queen Rania about Her Relationships, Struggles, and Freedom
Interviews | December 18, 2006
Her relationship, her struggles, her freedom
She is beautiful, vibrant and contemporary— Queen Rania of Jordan has redefined the look of the ...
زينة الدار
Blog & Op-eds | January 30, 2008
العنود أو كما كان أبوها يدلعها "زينة الدار" وأخواها يحيى وزيد. والأطفال جرير ودانيا ونور، محمد وحمزة القواسمة وحمزة أبو شيح .. وأجنة أُختطفت أرواحهم ق...
Queen Rania's Interview with Gala Magazine
Interviews | March 21, 2006
... Jordan is a country where you solve all the problems, the problems are everywhere in the world, in every country but you accept them and you are t...
Queen Rania Talks to Good Morning America about the Conflict in the Middle East
Interviews | March 14, 2003
The prospect of war has put many US allies in a tricky position, Jordan, chief among them. During the last Gulf War, King Hussein didn't side with the...
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Queen Rania's official website
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