Reading my book The Sandwich Swap 2 kids at Highlands Elementary who have their very own blue whale

Twitter | April 23, 2010 Reading my book The Sandwich Swap 2 kids at Highlands Elementary who have their very own blue whale

About to step out onto the set of Oprah (for the last time!) What’s the protocol again when meeting the Queen of TV?

Twitter | April 23, 2010
About to step out onto the set of Oprah (for the last time!) What’s the protocol again when meeting the Queen of TV?

'Excited to be sitting on @Oprah's sofa tomorrow. Plz tune in & learn how swapping sandwiches can bring us closer together!'

Twitter | April 23, 2010
'Excited to be sitting on @Oprah's sofa tomorrow. Plz tune in & learn how swapping sandwiches can bring us closer together!'

Kicking off my book tour in the US. ‘The Sandwich Swap’, great for ages 3 to 73! Proceeds go to @MadrasatiJo!

Twitter | April 22, 2010
Kicking off my book tour in the US. ‘The Sandwich Swap’, great for ages 3 to 73! Proceeds go to @MadrasatiJo!

With kind permission from a far off volcano, we’re allowed to fly again. Thank God! Or as we say, Alhamdulillah!

Twitter | April 22, 2010
With kind permission from a far off volcano, we’re allowed to fly again. Thank God! Or as we say, Alhamdulillah!

Join our efforts to #endmalaria--all it takes is a $10 donation. #WorldMalariaDay

Twitter | April 21, 2010
Join our efforts to #endmalaria--all it takes is a $10 donation. #WorldMalariaDay

Delighted to stand alongside teachers from Palestine as we launched the next chapter of Madrasati

Twitter | April 18, 2010
Delighted to stand alongside teachers from Palestine as we launched the next chapter of Madrasati

So proud Jordanian blogger has won first prize in Bern Blogging competition.. Congrats Osama!

Twitter | April 16, 2010
So proud Jordanian blogger has won first prize in Bern Blogging competition.. Congrats Osama!

Thx! (Btw, airs Sunday!) RT @Muhammad1993 @QueenRania cnt wait 2 c AlArabiya special, Wed. Thx 4 everything u do 2 make world better place

Twitter | April 14, 2010
Thx! (Btw, airs Sunday!) RT @Muhammad1993 @QueenRania cnt wait 2 c AlArabiya special, Wed. Thx 4 everything u do 2 make world better place

@abeerhijaz Cross-cultural dialogue is important in any direction. Breakthrough technology can help us breakthrough cultural barriers.

Twitter | April 14, 2010
@abeerhijaz Cross-cultural dialogue is important in any direction. Breakthrough technology can help us breakthrough cultural barriers.

@VanBurenMom Hello to little Melonie! They're so adorable at age 2 (despitethe tantrums!) Take advantage while you can!

Twitter | April 06, 2010
@VanBurenMom Hello to little Melonie! They're so adorable at age 2 (despitethe tantrums!) Take advantage while you can!

Back to work with inspiring trip to south Jordan to meet @MadrasatiJo teachers. Moved by their selfless attitude.

Twitter | April 06, 2010
Back to work with inspiring trip to south Jordan to meet @MadrasatiJo teachers. Moved by their selfless attitude.

Back 2 work with inspiring trip 2 south Jordan 2 meet @MadrasatiJo teachers. Moved by their selfless attitude.

Twitter | April 06, 2010
Back 2 work with inspiring trip 2 south Jordan 2 meet @MadrasatiJo teachers. Moved by their selfless attitude.

Nothing like a family break to kick start Spring! Also a great way to get closer to the kids. 

Twitter | April 06, 2010
Nothing like a family break to kick start Spring! Also a great way to get closer to the kids. 

@its_me_farnee Then explore the sand dunes of Wadi Rum & follow in the footsteps of Indiana Jones in Petra

Twitter | March 25, 2010
@its_me_farnee Then explore the sand dunes of Wadi Rum & follow in the footsteps of Indiana Jones in Petra

@its_me_farnee Grt choice of holiday! Visit Apr-Oct & see RSCN sites to revel in diverse and beautiful nature

Twitter | March 25, 2010
@its_me_farnee Grt choice of holiday! Visit Apr-Oct & see RSCN sites to revel in diverse and beautiful nature

#DidYouKnow: you can be part of the South Africa World Cup’s legacy of education for all by signing up to #1GOAL at!

Twitter | March 25, 2010
#DidYouKnow: you can be part of the South Africa World Cup’s legacy of education for all by signing up to #1GOAL at!

#Twestival has arrived! Hope you’ve volunteered/organized/tweeted about your local #Twestival. It’s all for education!

Twitter | March 25, 2010
#Twestival has arrived! Hope you’ve volunteered/organized/tweeted about your local #Twestival. It’s all for education!

Why educated children have slippery hands:

Twitter | March 24, 2010
Why educated children have slippery hands:

#DidYouKnow: children are 50% more likely to be immunized if their mothers are educated. PLZ RT then get involved!

Twitter | March 24, 2010
#DidYouKnow: children are 50% more likely to be immunized if their mothers are educated. PLZ RT then get involved!

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