#ILoveAmman لأنها تحتضن بين تلالها السبعة وعليهم أكبر تجمع أردني... وأنا أحب الأردنيين أينما كانوا
Twitter | December 06, 2011
#ILoveAmman لأنها تحتضن بين تلالها السبعة وعليهم أكبر تجمع أردني... وأنا أحب الأردنيين أينما كانوا
#ILoveAmman لأنها لا تكتفي بجمالها، فهي طموحة ولا ترضى بأقل من الأفضل
Twitter | December 06, 2011
#ILoveAmman لأنها لا تكتفي بجمالها، فهي طموحة ولا ترضى بأقل من الأفضل
But ultimately #ILoveJordan because it’s where I can find the largest number of Jordanians! #ILoveAmman
Twitter | December 06, 2011
But ultimately #ILoveJordan because it’s where I can find the largest number of Jordanians! #ILoveAmman
#ILoveAmman because it’s my north. No matter where I am in the world, I'm always oriented towards it and eager to return to it.
Twitter | December 06, 2011
#ILoveAmman because it’s my north. No matter where I am in the world, I'm always oriented towards it and eager to return to it.
#ILoveAmman because of the generosity of its people and because their smiles are the most genuine I've ever seen.
Twitter | December 06, 2011
#ILoveAmman because of the generosity of its people and because their smiles are the most genuine I've ever seen.
#ILoveAmman for its sky. Even on the coldest days, we know the beautiful sun will make an appearance, reminding us that there’s always hope.
Twitter | December 06, 2011
#ILoveAmman for its sky. Even on the coldest days, we know the beautiful sun will make an appearance, reminding us that there’s always hope.
العالم يشهد للأردن بِطاقاته البشرية،بِعقوله الرائدة:راس مال هذا البلد بيمشي فوق الأرض مش مدفون تحتها،عشان هيك حدوده السما. #JO
Twitter | December 05, 2011
العالم يشهد للأردن بِطاقاته البشرية،بِعقوله الرائدة:راس مال هذا البلد بيمشي فوق الأرض مش مدفون تحتها،عشان هيك حدوده السما. #JO
إلى معلمي الأردن: شكراً لأنكم علمتوا طلابكم وضع القلَم على الصفحة ليرسموا ملامح بلَدنا...تسلم إيديهم وتسلم إيديكم. #teachers #education
Twitter | December 05, 2011
إلى معلمي الأردن: شكراً لأنكم علمتوا طلابكم وضع القلَم على الصفحة ليرسموا ملامح بلَدنا...تسلم إيديهم وتسلم إيديكم. #teachers #education
Congrats to winners of this year’s Teachers’ Award! Thank you to #teachers and #principals for your inspiring service in #education!
Twitter | December 05, 2011
Congrats to winners of this year’s Teachers’ Award! Thank you to #teachers and #principals for your inspiring service in #education!
مبروك للفائزين بالجائزة هذا العام، وبارك الله في وقتكم وجهدكم.
Twitter | December 05, 2011
مبروك للفائزين بالجائزة هذا العام، وبارك الله في وقتكم وجهدكم. http://t.co/poBZuQlv
Sayedna thought it was delicious! Traditional Arabic food in authentic Amman setting! "@GhadaSaba: Spotted.. " #JO
Twitter | December 02, 2011
Sayedna thought it was delicious! Traditional Arabic food in authentic Amman setting! "@GhadaSaba: Spotted.. http://t.co/pYLEOlex" #JO
Time to head home to #JO. Enjoyed every minute in South Korea, where the people are warm and the country is beautiful! “Kamsahamnida!”
Twitter | November 30, 2011
Time to head home to #JO. Enjoyed every minute in South Korea, where the people are warm and the country is beautiful! “Kamsahamnida!”
In the #Arab world, #youth don’t want aid money. They want jobs, a salary, new skills. They want chances and choices. #Busan #HLF4
Twitter | November 30, 2011
In the #Arab world, #youth don’t want aid money. They want jobs, a salary, new skills. They want chances and choices. #Busan #HLF4
It’s time to update the global “aidscape”. #Busan must stimulate the conditions in which real, sustainable jobs can grow. #HLF4
Twitter | November 30, 2011
It’s time to update the global “aidscape”. #Busan must stimulate the conditions in which real, sustainable jobs can grow. #HLF4
Just finished speaking to over 2,000 delegates in #Busan on aid effectiveness. Forum’s message to world: aid is in ALL our interests…#HLF4
Twitter | November 30, 2011
Just finished speaking to over 2,000 delegates in #Busan on aid effectiveness. Forum’s message to world: aid is in ALL our interests…#HLF4
A child born to an educated mother is 50 percent more likely to reach the age of five. #EducationSavesLives
Twitter | November 29, 2011
A child born to an educated mother is 50 percent more likely to reach the age of five. #EducationSavesLives
1 extra year of schooling for a girl reduces her chances of dying later in child birth by 40%! #EducationSavesLives
Twitter | November 29, 2011
1 extra year of schooling for a girl reduces her chances of dying later in child birth by 40%! #EducationSavesLives
Never forget it – education saves lives. #Education
Twitter | November 29, 2011
Never forget it – education saves lives. #Education
We were a gathering of enthusiasts from all walks of education… all trying to balance our education optimism with economic realism.
Twitter | November 29, 2011
We were a gathering of enthusiasts from all walks of education… all trying to balance our education optimism with economic realism.
Spent morning immersed in how aid for education needs global partnership. During times of crises there's no better investment than in ppl.
Twitter | November 29, 2011
Spent morning immersed in how aid for education needs global partnership. During times of crises there's no better investment than in ppl.
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