V. proud of Jordanian #Oscar nom! ‘Killing in the Name’ is about Amman bombings in ’05. Story of survival & speaking truth to terror. #JO
Twitter | January 26, 2011
V. proud of Jordanian #Oscar nom! ‘Killing in the Name’ is about Amman bombings in ’05. Story of survival & speaking truth to terror. #JO
تم ترشيح "القتل باسم..." فيلم أردني وثائقي عن بشاعة تفجبرات عمّان 2005 للأوسكار.ليعرف العالم بأسره كم الإرهاب جاهل وبعيد عن الإنسانية.
Twitter | January 26, 2011
تم ترشيح "القتل باسم..." فيلم أردني وثائقي عن بشاعة تفجبرات عمّان 2005 للأوسكار.ليعرف العالم بأسره كم الإرهاب جاهل وبعيد عن الإنسانية.
Relieved that the perpetrator of this horrible incident has been caught after a thorough investigation.
Twitter | January 24, 2011
Relieved that the perpetrator of this horrible incident has been caught after a thorough investigation. http://bit.ly/gb3aEd
RT @myUrdon: Here is updated link to Her Majesty's tweet earlier @QueenRania #myjordan #jordan
Twitter | January 24, 2011
RT @myUrdon: Here is updated link to Her Majesty's tweet earlier http://bit.ly/e4DWWS @QueenRania #myjordan #jordan
أشكر كل من ساهم بمعلومات أدت إلى إحالة هذا الملف إلى القضاء....
Twitter | January 24, 2011
أشكر كل من ساهم بمعلومات أدت إلى إحالة هذا الملف إلى القضاء.... http://bit.ly/dOTRXt
@AmmanNet @nadinetoukan @tarawnah Appalled by this. Trying to verify but no luck so far.
Twitter | January 19, 2011
@AmmanNet @nadinetoukan @tarawnah Appalled by this. Trying to verify but no luck so far.
ألف ألف مبروك للنشامى!! عقبال الكأس لأردننا الحبيب JO#
Twitter | January 17, 2011
ألف ألف مبروك للنشامى!! عقبال الكأس لأردننا الحبيب JO#
Closely watching developments in #Tunisia and praying for stability and calm for its people.
Twitter | January 15, 2011
Closely watching developments in #Tunisia and praying for stability and calm for its people.
مبروك للأمير علي بن الحسين، نائب رئيس اتحاد فيفا. فخورون بإنجازك!
Twitter | January 06, 2011
مبروك للأمير علي بن الحسين، نائب رئيس اتحاد فيفا. فخورون بإنجازك!
Congratulations to Prince Ali! So proud he's #FIFA’s new Vice President. A great goal for the Arab world.
Twitter | January 06, 2011
Congratulations to Prince Ali! So proud he's #FIFA’s new Vice President. A great goal for the Arab world.
UNICEF’s impact in 2010. SEEN. FELT. HEARD.
Twitter | January 02, 2011
UNICEF’s impact in 2010. SEEN. FELT. HEARD. http://bit.ly/eG5p6D
You can make 2011 the year every child receives a quality education @UNICEF
Twitter | January 02, 2011
You can make 2011 the year every child receives a quality education @UNICEF http://bit.ly/drl2ep
@UNICEF My wish for 2011: every boy and girl in school. Please help us
Twitter | January 02, 2011
@UNICEF My wish for 2011: every boy and girl in school. Please help us http://bit.ly/drl2ep
A cowardly act of hatred in Alexandria makes for tragic news this new year's morning. Here's praying peace will prevail in our hearts
Twitter | January 01, 2011
A cowardly act of hatred in Alexandria makes for tragic news this new year's morning. Here's praying peace will prevail in our hearts
Merry Christmas, and peace to all. May you be surrounded by friends and family.
Twitter | December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas, and peace to all. May you be surrounded by friends and family.
Wonderful to get acquainted with new talent...had casual & lively discussion with gathering of passionate artists. #SunnyArtFair
Twitter | December 17, 2010
Wonderful to get acquainted with new talent...had casual & lively discussion with gathering of passionate artists. #SunnyArtFair
I encourage you guys in Amman to check out #SunnyArtFair. Was just there..
Twitter | December 17, 2010
I encourage you guys in Amman to check out #SunnyArtFair. Was just there..
Pleased that the EU has joined Jordan to promote interfaith harmony & understanding around the world.
Twitter | December 17, 2010
Pleased that the EU has joined Jordan to promote interfaith harmony & understanding around the world. http://tiny.cc/ofxxq
Praying that Jordan's continued efforts to reach out and unite people of all faiths move the needle towards greater peace in 2011.
Twitter | December 17, 2010
Praying that Jordan's continued efforts to reach out and unite people of all faiths move the needle towards greater peace in 2011.
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