Queen Rania's Commencement Speech at the 2024 International Academy - Amman Graduation

May 28, 2024

In the name of God, the Almighty and Merciful,

Dear graduates, parents, and faculty members,

I begin with a greeting that is unique to us: May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be with you, for there is nothing more beautiful than to bear a message of compassion, which our world needs now more than ever.

First, allow me to congratulate you and all of Jordan’s high school graduates, as well as your parents and your teachers, as you commence a new phase in life – well done!

When addressing young graduates, I have typically drawn on my journey as a mother, imparting the same advice I give my own children. Today, however, I have chosen to speak to you, not just as a mother, but as an Arab and Jordanian mother, and as someone who continues to learn new lessons, each and every day.

This academic year has not been like any other, and the past few months have transformed us in many ways. Our hearts continue to ache for the people of Gaza and Palestine. Tens of thousands have been killed… their hopes, dreams, and aspirations buried along with them.

For many in the Arab World, this pain is coupled with feelings of anger, disillusionment, and disappointment in a world that values certain lives, but not others… A world rife with contradictions: calling for peace, but waging war…claiming to value humanity and human rights, but justifying the killing and starvation of our children by the thousands. Never could we have imagined the selective application of the global moral system… nor its silence in the face of these violations against humanity.

But disappointment breeds determination.

Despite being under siege, Gaza itself has freed many around the world of the illusion of Western supremacy over the world and their fascination with it.

Because progress is not limited to economic or technological superiority. It is not measured in high-rises and high-speed internet alone, but rather by the strength of a nation’s values and morals.

As the “Prince of Poets” Ahmad Shawqi rightly said: Nations are nothing but morals: If their morals disappear, they disappear.

As Arabs, we desperately need to turn to each other today, and to hold tight to our values and morals. We desperately need to pause, reflect, dig deep into our roots, and realize that we are advanced in our humanity. We need to build our countries, and believe and trust in ourselves, our heritage, and the values with which we were raised: acceptance and coexistence… kindness and mercy...  solidarity and honoring one’s parents… justice and integrity. 

So, I stand before you today to tell you: This is the day you transition to the school of life. And to excel, I advise you to carry all you have learned with you. Knowledge is power, and there is no power greater than knowing who you are.

You are the people of the Arabic language… So, be proud of your mother tongue. It is the language of the inimitable Quran and our honorable Prophet. It is the language of the Mu’allaqat poems and the verses of Al Mutanabbi. It is the language of epic romances, between Qays and Layla and Nizar and Balqis.

It is the voice of Umm Kulthum and Abdel Halim. The language of love, revolution, music, and peace. It is the language that boldly proclaimed, “Write down: I am an Arab”…Yes, “I am an Arab.” Say it without shame or fear. Say it with your head held high.

You are the people of a land steeped in history… So, be proud of where you come from. A holy land marked by the footsteps of prophets…witness to the Isra’ and Mi’raj, the birth of Jesus, and the strike of Moses’ staff. It is a patch of Earth blessed by God to become a cradle of civilizations, a wellspring of knowledge, and a birthplace of cultures. 

You are Ahla Al-Azm (the people of strong resolve)… So, live up to that and be proud of your homeland. Be like our Jordan: generous, steadfast, and resourceful. Follow the example of this great country: its humanity is limitless and unconditional. It calls for peace and pursues it tirelessly. Its arms are wide open and its motto is compassion.

Remember that you are ambassadors of your country and your identity. Stay true to the ideals you have been raised on, and share the stories of your fathers, mothers, and ancestors. Tell them about our people, our land, and our history.

I wish you all the best, always. As long as you are well, then our Jordan is well. May God bless you and light your way forward.