Queen Rania Contributes a Blog Post for the Huffington Post Arabi

On the occasion of the launch of the Huffington Post Arabi, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah wrote an Arabic blog about the richness of the Arabic language and the importance of creating more Arabic online content that reflects the true values, history and heritage of Arabs.
In her blog, Queen Rania noted that languages are not just a tool for people to 'speak' with each other; language can communicate to a world audience who we are, what we stand for and how we think.
Her Majesty insisted that the richness and beauty of Arabic language can not only express the true values of Arabs, but also bridge the gap between the East and West by fighting negative stereotypes about Arabs and Muslims.
“Many conversations happen online,” Her Majesty added, “but unfortunately, the Arabic content constitutes less than 1% of the cyber platforms content." Worse yet, Her Majesty added that extremist groups have dominated much of the conversation, "depicting us as an intolerant people who reject diversity and dialogue.”
These groups have taken advantage of the weak presence of Arabic content online to target Arab youth and further their agendas.
Her Majesty stressed the importance of creating more Arabic platforms that draw on our rich and ancient cultures, history, and sciences.
She called for investing in the Arabic language to promote dialogue that is built on tolerance and respect and to challenge irreligious extremists who are using the internet to narrate their own ideology of violence and hatred.
Queen Rania's official website
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