Queen Rania Distributes Winter Coats to Children During Visit to Umm Ammar School

(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman)
Her Majesty Queen Rania on Monday distributed 800 coats to students at the Umm Ammar Secondary Comprehensive School in Al Mahatta.
Launching this year’s “Winter Coat Campaign” on behalf of His Majesty King Abdullah, the Queen visited the school’s kindergarten and several other classrooms, according to a Royal Court statement.
The campaign, which began in December 2004 at a school in Madaba Governorate, comes as part of the Monarch's efforts to improve schoolchildren’s educational environment and enhance their academic performance.
Education Minister Tayseer Nueimi, Royal Court Adviser Yousef Issawi and Royal Court Secretary General Sakher Ajlouni accompanied the Queen on yesterday’s visit.
According to the minister, coats were distributed yesterday to all public school students via education directorates in the Kingdom’s governorates.
In pursuance of the King’s directives, the campaign will cover all students attending public and military schools and those administered by UNRWA, a total of 1.3 million students.
Nueimi emphasised the importance of Royal educational initiatives in developing education in the Kingdom and preparing young students to become productive members of society.
In addition to the Winter Coat Campaign, Royal initiatives include the School Nutrition Programme, the Queen Rania Award for Distinguished Teachers and support for the Teachers’ Housing Fund.
Queen Rania's official website
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