Queen Rania Visits Queen Rania Family and Child Center in Jebel Al Nasr

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited today the Queen Rania Family and Child Center (QRFCC), Jordan River Foundation (JRF), and toured the renovations and new facilities to provide comprehensive services for child safety and protection.
Queen Rania Family and Child Center (QRFCC) was established by the Jordan River Foundation (JRF) in 2005. It provides a variety of preventive and awareness programs for children, youth, parents, and professionals applying a comprehensive community-based model.
In a brainstorming session with young participants, Her Majesty –accompanied by Director General of JRF Ghaleb Qudah and JRF Deputy Director Danah Dajani- discussed concepts including Islamic values, citizenship and governance, and patriotism in the newly founded youth space provided by the center.
The session focused on the role of youth in changing stereotypes about Islam and the effects of the latest events on society, particularly the role of youth in reinforcing the values of citizenship and inclusion.
Her Majesty stressed the importance of founding a special space for youth to capitalize on their talents in a variety of areas, pointing out the vital importance of finding common objectives to reflect the true image of Jordan and Islam.
The Queen also visited the Computer Lab where she attended part of an Edraak session titled “Child’s Psychological Health.”
Queen Rania’s tour included a meeting with the trainees of the ‘110 Help Line’ that was founded in 2007 and receives around 10,000 calls a month addressing 500 real cases.
Her Majesty concluded her visit at the center’s new nursery and interactive library, where she met with a group of children participating in a value-based educational activity about acceptance.
QRFCC works in partnership and coordination with the local community, in addition to involving the public and private sectors, to empower individuals, families, and communities to spread awareness and increase knowledge on child safety, activate the roles of community members and institutions to promote child rights and safety, and strengthen positive family dynamics and relations.
QRFCC also aims to empower community members with the needed skills to protect children against abuse and promote appropriate practices, in addition to promoting the understanding of child protection and safety using interactive simple activities.
Queen Rania's official website
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