Queen Rania Joins Teachers from Irbid and Jerash Participating in "Proud to Be a Teacher" Camp

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Ajloun) Today, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah joined 65 female teachers from Irbid and Jerash participating in the "Proud to be a Teacher" camp organized by Madrasati, one of the Queen's nonprofit educational initiatives.
The three-day camp taking place in Ajloun aims at creatively motivating teachers through engaging them as decision and policy makers, problem solvers and role models in schools as well as instilling in them feelings of being productive, appreciated, and proud of their profession.
Queen Rania chatted with the teachers who come from 18 different schools and said she was proud of them and of the role they play in raising our children and therefore shaping the future of Jordan. Her Majesty added how crucial it was for teachers to also share their pride and the skills they learned at the camp with their other fellow teachers as it is extremely beneficial in improving connections between teachers, schools, students and parents.
The camp, which coincided with the beginning of the new school year, included three different stations. Each station was designed in an interactive approach to equip teachers with skills needed to become leaders of positive change within their own schools and communities.
At the first station Her Majesty joined teachers in an exercise where each shared their own reflection of what "proud to be a teacher" means. They also talked about the ideas and skills they had gained over the course of the last three days.
Queen Rania then stopped by the second station which explored new and creative teaching tools that can be used in classrooms.
Ending her visit at the third station, Her Majesty was briefed on a number of projects and initiatives the teachers came up with during the camp and hope to implement in their schools upon their return.
Madrasati will hold another similar camp later this month for 55 male teachers from 11 different schools in Irbid.
‘Proud to be a Teacher’ was launched by Madrasati in April 2013 and includes 30 schools from six different directorates in Irbid. One of the prime activities of this project is bringing teachers together in leadership and team-building summer camps so they can discuss ideas, share experiences and plan for interventions they would like to lead in their schools.
Each camp will comprise of three days of several workshops and activities including self-assessment exercises to identify strengths, personality types and leadership styles, and teamwork exercises that revolve around dealing with diversity, effective communication, creative thinking and collective leadership. Teachers will also present their initiatives and discuss their ideas on how to reach out and benefit their own communities.
Queen Rania's official website
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