Queen Rania Checks Up on QRTA Projects in the South

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Al Karak) – Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah paid a visit to Queen Zain Al Sharaf School for Girls in Karak today, where she met with teachers, trainers and administrators of the Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA). The meetings focused on QRTA’s work in the south, and their programs that benefit teachers across the kingdom.
Her Majesty met with teachers, principals and supervisors from the South who shared with the Queen their success stories, and showcased the impact of QRTA programs in schools. The meeting began with a brief by Hania Barqawi, Assistant Director of QRTA, on the Academy’s achievements in the south and their work in coordination with the Ministry of Education, which has reached more than 490 beneficiaries.
Her Majesty commended the beneficiaries for their enthusiasm and dedication, which can only elevate the level of education in their schools, and thus, directly benefiting students. The Queen also highlighted the pivotal role that teachers play in the educational process and stressed the importance of empowering teachers with the knowledge, tools and expertise through innovative training.
Queen Rania also joined part of a Science Network Training Session, which is attended by approximately sixty science teachers from thirty schools in Karak. The training session is conducted by QRTA staff and trainers from the Teacher’s College.
The Queen Rania Teacher Academy has expanded its reach to the south governorates; Karak, Tafileh, and Aqaba through its training program ‘Cohort 2’ in coordination with Madrasati Phase III in 2010.
Cohort 2 covers 82 schools in seven directorates, and had 490 beneficiaries. Participants in each network have completed four training sessions so far, and are scheduled to continue their training in April 2012. The Science network was implemented in Karak, the Math network in Tafileh, and the English network in Aqaba based on the specific needs of each governorate.
Cohort 1 was implemented in Amman, Zarqa, Ruseifeh, Salt, Ein Al-Basha, and Madaba during 2009-2011 in 11 directorates, 63 schools, and 435 participants, while Cohort 3 will be implemented in Irbid, Mafraq, Jerash, and Ajloun, targeting 89 schools in 8 directorates, and 517 participants. The launch of Cohort 3 took place in February 2012 with the first leadership workshop for school principals and supervisors.
Queen Rania's official website
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