Queen Rania Visits the Children’s Museum of Jordan with a Group of Orphans
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) - Her Majesty Queen Rania accompanied a group of 450 young orphans on a visit to the Children’s Museum of Jordan (CMJ) to mark the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Museum and the Ministry of Social Development (MoSD) allowing beneficiaries of all NGOs registered with the Ministry free entry into the museum and its exhibitions.
The MOU highlights the museum’s “A Museum for All” approach, which aims at allowing free entry and accessibility to the museum to all segments of society. The MOU was preceded by a similar one with the Ministry of Education allowing public schools free entry into the museum.
A Queen Rania initiative, the museum offers children a wide range of activities and interactive facilities that are focused on the “Learn through play” concept.
During the visit, Her Majesty toured the Eid celebration area, aptly named “Eid Square”, where the children participated in several Eid and Ramadan themed activities, including everything from physical games to mental and critical thinking ones.
Her Majesty also sat in on a story telling session with a group of children told by a lively story teller. She also stopped by a couple of other groups who were playing traditional games with Ramadan life-size characters.
The Children’s Museum opened its doors in May 2007, and was brought to life as part of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah’s commitment to children's well-being, education and development.
Queen Rania's official website
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