September 19, 2016
Thank you, Stephen.
This is what Margaret Mead meant when she said: "never doubt that a small gro...
September 19, 2016
Thank you, Prime Minister Trudeau. And thank you all for being here.
Earlier this year, I visite...
September 11, 2016
Dear Andrea, if you’ll allow me, on behalf of the people of Jordan, I’d like to begin by expressing ...
September 05, 2016
In the Name of God, the Almighty and Merciful
Assalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatoh (May ...
April 15, 2016
Thank you, Dr. Kim, for your warm words and for inviting me to join you, Secretary General Ban Ki Mo...
April 14, 2016
"Assalamu alaikum”
Those words are how we greet one another in Arabic. They are words of acknowl...
February 23, 2016
In the Name of God, the Almighty and Merciful
Your Highnesses, distinguished guests,
Peace, an...
December 10, 2015
Buongiorno. It’s such a pleasure to return to one of my favourite countries and to be with all of yo...
December 07, 2015
I'm happy to be joining you for the second year, and I welcome all the teachers who have joined us t...
September 28, 2015
Deprive children of quality education, and you deprive them of the opportunities that can help them ...
September 24, 2015
Your Majesty Queen Silvia, ladies and gentlemen…
Thank you for this award. I am humbled to receiv...
September 17, 2015
Chancellor Merkel, Mr. Steinlein, Dr. Hoyer, ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you for your kind words ...
August 26, 2015
Monsieur le President … mesdames et messieurs… mes amis.
C’est avec grand plaisir que je me retro...
November 18, 2014
Thank you…
Your Highness Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak, Your Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mubarak, Your...
June 04, 2014
Thank you, Dr. Hana, for your warm words. And, let me start by congratulating you! Both on your appo...
May 29, 2014
Your Highness, the Aga Khan…President Kikwete …Prime Minister Harper… Minister Paradis… honourable g...
May 26, 2014
Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah
King’s Academy Commencement Speech
Amman, Jordan
May, 2014
November 07, 2013
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of fo...
Queen Rania's official website
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