In the Press

Source: The Seattle Times | October 23, 2017
DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — Jordan’s queen said Monday that the international community must respond ef...
Source: CNN | April 06, 2017
Washington (CNN)First lady Melania Trump and Jordan's Queen Rania traveled Wednesday to an impoveris...
Source: The Telegraph | April 05, 2017
Melania Trump on Wednesday highlighted her interest in empowering women and girls along with the adm...
Source: The New York Times | April 05, 2017
A billionaire, a queen and an American first lady walked into a public charter school on Wednesday, ...
Source: Bostonglobe | March 09, 2017
Queen Rania of Jordan was celebrated in Washington, on International Women’s Day, for doing the oppo...
Source: Dailymail | January 19, 2017
Queen Rania of Jordan, one of the US's greatest allies in the Middle East, has shared a thoughtful s...
Source: Welt | December 06, 2016
Bei der Gala „Ein Herz für Kinder" kamen über 18 Millionen Euro zusammen. Einen besonderen Auftritt ...
Source: T Online | December 04, 2016
Königin Rania von Jordanien bekam aus den Händen von Daniela Schadt, der Lebensgefährtin von Bundesp...
Source: Morgen Post | December 04, 2016
Alljährlich beweisen zahlreiche Prominente bei der gleichnamigen Gala „Ein Herz für Kinder". Die Fra...
Source: Bild | December 03, 2016
Es war ein Auftritt voller Kraft, Mut und Hoffnung: Königin Rania wurde bei der großen „Ein Herz für...
Source: Albawaba | December 01, 2016
Jordan's Queen Rania said on Tuesday that human empathy and compassion need an urgent upgrade in ord...
Source: Daily Travel | December 01, 2016
The highlight of the evening was the speech from Queen Rania of Jordan who was awarded the FPA Human...
Source: Royal Central | November 30, 2016
During the Foreign Press Association’s (FPA), seventeenth annual FPA Media Awards ceremony in London...
Source: People | November 04, 2016
Queen Rania of Jordan is a leader of women in the Arab world and beyond and is a champion of refugee...
Source: DIE WELT | October 07, 2016
Sie versteht etwas von Schmeicheleien. Vor 1000 Gästen aus Politik und Wirtschaft schwärmte Königin ...
Source: International Business Times | September 20, 2016
The queen of social media – as the most active royal on the likes of Instagram and Twitter – Jordani...
Source: Al Bawaba | September 20, 2016
Her Majesty Queen Rania said on Monday that the burden of the Syrian refugee crisis cannot fall on t...
Source: HELLO Magazine | September 05, 2016
Queen Rania is one of the most respected and adored women in the world, combining an innate style an...