Queen Rania Promotes Tolerance as She Reads "The Sandwich Swap" to Students in Chicago

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Chicago) In line with Her Majesty's efforts to promote cross cultural understanding and bridge the divide between East and West, Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited the Highlands Elementary School, in Chicago, where she read her recently written children's book, "The Sandwich Swap".
Based on a childhood memory, which Her Majesty describes as, " one of the turning points in her life", the book tells the story of two girls, Lily and Salma, who start appreciating the cultural differences between them, after swapping peanut butter and hummus sandwiches.
Engaging first, second and third grade students in a conversation about what they learnt from the story, Queen Rania talked about the importance of compassion, humility, and accepting others for who they are. Her Majesty also answered their questions about her life as a Queen, and children in Jordan.
The Queen then gave students signed copies of the book.
While at the school, Queen Rania also checked the school bulletin board of art, where students have prepared several pieces of written work about Jordan. Concluding her visit, Her Majesty listened to the school song performed by a number of students, and was presented with 3 scrapbooks.
All of Her Majesty's proceedings from "The Sandwich Swap" will go to Madrasati Jordan, an education initiative launched by Queen Rania to renovate 500 public schools in urgent need of repair.
The Sandwich Swap is a children’s picture book from Disney Book Group, written by Queen Rania Al Abdullah and co-authored with Kelly DiPucchio. Illustrations are by Tricia Tusa.
Queen Rania's official website
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