Queen Rania Celebrates Fifth Anniversary of Al Aman Fund

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah joined beneficiaries, volunteers, workers, donors and partners of Al Aman Fund today in a celebration that marked the Fund’s fifth anniversary at Al Hussein Sports City, in Amman. The event highlighted the importance of the fund, its role, mandate and achievements to date.
Her Majesty launched Al Aman Fund to provide orphans with scholarships and post secondary education after they reach the age of eighteen, by which they lose any governmental, financial or housing support. The Fund also provides its beneficiaries with housing, financial aid, training and employment opportunities following their graduation.
Her Majesty talked to beneficiaries about their experiences with the fund and how it helped them secure jobs or kept them away from harm after leaving their orphanages; “The Fund provided me with all the necessary tools for me to be able finish my fulltime university degree without having to work or end up on the streets doing some sort of manual labor. Housing and financial allowance were as important for my success as the scholarship” said Ahmad, a beneficiary of the Fund. “Even after I left Al Aman, it never left me; it is my house, my family.”
Her Majesty also heard from donors about their reasons for supporting Al Aman Fund’s honorable goals. “The tangible results that we see, and the effect that our donations have on Jordanian orphans are the reasons we keep working with Al Aman Fund” said a representative of a corporate donor, adding that their donations to Al Aman Fund are considered investments in Jordanian youth and their future employees.
To date, the total number of orphans from all governorates in Jordan who benefited from Al Aman Fund’s different schemes by the end of 2011 reached 1,500. The number of graduates reached 600, out of which 287 received job opportunity through the Fund.
Al Aman Fund has conducted more than 135 different workshops, benefiting more than 3,500 participants from across the Kingdom.
The Fund’s programs include a training course with Talal Abu Ghazaleh Center for Knowledge which focuses on soft skills required for the workplace, empowerment courses for caregivers in the orphanages, debate skills program and a training course for leaders in volunteerism conducted in coordination with the British Council.
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