Queen Rania Meets with CUMERC Board of Directors

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) –Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met today with the board of directors of the CUMERCUniversity Middle East Research Center (CUMERC), at its headquarters in Amman.
The board meeting which was attended by Lee C. Bollinger, President of Columbia University, focused on CUMERC’s strategy and programmes for the upcoming year and their accomplishments to date.
CUMERC has established a mirror-image of the world-renowned Earth Institute. In its first year, the Institute has trained more than 100 development practitioners through a series of foundational and specialized courses.
CUMERC also continues to leverage the Columbia University Teacher’s College expertise to support the Queen Rania Teachers Academy (QRTA) in developing and honing the skills of Jordanian teachers through customized teacher training programs that are responsive to local education system constraints.
The Columbia University Middle East Research Center is one of the first in a network of Columbia Global Centers the University has launched around the world. The Center, headquartered in Amman, Jordan, provides a base for scholarly activities throughout the Middle East and advances the University's academic partnerships and programs in the region.
Other activities of the center include a wide range of disciplines, from education to architecture to environmental sustainability, and represent partnerships with nearly a dozen different schools and institutes at Columbia University.
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