Queen Rania Drops In on Training Course at CUMERC

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah dropped in on a part of the “Enabling Communities through Enterprise Development” course at the Institute for Sustainable Development Practice (ISDP) at Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC) in Amman today. The course is attended by 36 practitioners in the field of development.
Her Majesty was briefed by Professor CJ Jones, instructor at the center, about the program, its implementation scheme and its importance locally. Several participants also spoke with the Queen about how they benefitted from the different aspect of the program and the workshops they have attended at ISDP.
The course is designed to give development practitioners a better understanding of the role that enterprise development plays in empowering communities to actively participate in their own futures.
The Institute for Sustainable Development Practice (ISDP) was established at the Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC) under the Patronage of Her Majesty in December 2010. It aims to address crucial sustainable development issues such as employment, agriculture, education and environment.
To date, the Institute has trained more than 300 sustainable development professionals, in subjects that can directly help improve the outcomes of development projects and organizations across the kingdom.
Queen Rania's official website
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