Queen Rania Visits Ghor Al Safi in Al Karak Governorate

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Al Karak) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited Ghor Al Safi in Al Karak Governorate on Wednesday, where she met with Ghor Al Safi Women’s Association for Social Development board of directors and a number of its beneficiaries.
During the meeting, the association’s president, Nayfeh Al Nawasra, and the President of the Community Centers Associations, Firyal Saleh, briefed Her Majesty on the association’s achievements, plans, and various projects, including one of its main initiatives, Safi Crafts.
Introduced in 1999, Safi Crafts is an embroidery and fabric-dyeing project that aims to produce garments made from locally sourced materials and natural dyes mimicking designs inspired by the area’s rich heritage.
With support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Swiss nonprofit, the Drosos Foundation, in 2013 Safi Crafts began farming indigo without using chemicals and pesticides, and manually harvesting the plant using traditional techniques. Safi Crafts also began surveying the country for plants from which to extract various natural dyes. In addition to fabric dyeing, Safi Crafts offers its beneficiaries skill-building opportunities in accounting, marketing, and the English language.
At the association, the Queen looked at the work of Safi Crafts, and observed the fabric dyeing and drawing process before stopping by a sewing workshop. Her Majesty also met with a number of beneficiaries, who spoke to her about their experiences and involvement with the association, stressing the positive impact it has had on their lives.
Among the beneficiaries Her Majesty met, was Basma Al Khanazra, who relied on the association’s revolving fund to start a homebased business in selling clothes and household appliances. Over the years, Al Khanazra expanded her business to include homemade food items like pickles, jams, and sundried tomatoes, and began investing her profits into cultivating her husband’s land. Her Majesty also spoke to Nzeileh Al Oushoush, another revolving fund loan-recipient who started her own homebased dairy project.
Established in 1996, the association aims to support the local community - particularly women - by launching vocational programs, providing basic education for youth and children with disabilities, and offering material and financial aid for families in need.
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