Queen Rania Meets Nuns of Rosary Sisters Visitation Home

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited the Rosary Sisters Visitation Home on Monday, expressing her warm greetings for Christmas and wishes for peace and security in the region.
In a meeting with the nuns, Queen Rania expressed her gratitude for their contributions to humanitarian and educational fields in Jordan and abroad.
Established in 1996 to care for elderly nuns, the Rosary Sisters Visitation Home has 56 bedrooms, several conference rooms, and other facilities.
During her visit, the Queen met with Reverend Munther Isaac, Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, and the home’s director, Sister Madeleine Dababneh. She also met with Sister Martina Bader, Sister Bertila Marji, and Sister Nabila Saleh, who had recently returned from Gaza. The nuns told Her Majesty about the harrowing situation in Gaza, and the church’s role in trying to alleviate the suffering there.
Her Majesty also stopped by to check on the health of a nun recovering from a recent surgery.
Queen Rania's official website
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