Queen Rania Opens IT Center at Al-Hussein Society and Visits Sweiseh Girls High School

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) As part of visits to different areas of the country to check on services provided to citizens, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah visited Sweiseh Girls High School in Wadi Al-Seer and opened the IT center at Al-Hussein Society for the Habilitation and Rehabilitation of the Physically Challenged.
Queen Rania’s stop at Al–Hussein Society came in line with efforts to provide equal education and employment opportunities to people with physical disabilities so that they can participate in society.
Al-Hussein Society’s President HRH Princess Majida Raad briefed Queen Rania on the latest project, which provides equipment and training for people with physical disabilities.
It will also provide business development advice and will aim to become a research center for the collection and dissemination of data and information on the situation of the physically disabled in the country.
With HRH Prince Raad bin Zeid, HRH Prince Mir’ed and Princess Dina Mi’red, Ms. Christine McNab, UN Resident Coordinator & UNDP Resident Representative, the Italian ambassador, officials and representatives from NGOs attending, the Queen toured the society, met with beneficiaries and was briefed on the services provided by the society.
She also honored four physically challenged workers for their distinguished service at the society which was established in 1971, and is run by 91 employees, and 26 volunteers.
The IT center which will be managed by the Italian Association of Volunteers for International Development (AVSI) and the United Nations Development Program UNDP, goes in line with the Jordanian leadership’s vision of strengthening human resource capacities in the Kingdom through improving education and enhancing skills.
At Swieseh Girls High School, Queen Rania toured classrooms, inspected facilities and talked with students and teachers as she underlined the importance of providing students with the proper environment that leads to quality education.
With the schools inadequate facilities needing proper maintenance, Queen Rania listened from students and school officials on their needs for a science lab, heating, proper schoolyards and general maintenance work.
With youth forming over 60 % of society, Queen Rania has always stressed that education is a major tool of empowering people, underlining the need to ensure the provision of proper quality education to all segments of society as an integral part in the development of society.
Queen Rania's official website
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