Teachers have been our guardians and guides for generations. Show a teacher your thanks on #WorldTeachersDay PLZ RT

تويتر | 05 تشرين الأول 2010
Teachers have been our guardians and guides for generations. Show a teacher your thanks on #WorldTeachersDay PLZ RT

شكرا لكل من ربّى وعلَم، وكل من ثابر وسهر وتحمل... حمدا لله على المعلم، كل عام وهم خيرة الس #WorldTeachersDay

تويتر | 05 تشرين الأول 2010
شكرا لكل من ربّى وعلَم، وكل من ثابر وسهر وتحمل... حمدا لله على المعلم، كل عام وهم خيرة الس #WorldTeachersDay

Today let’s celebrate some of the most important people who’ve shaped YOUR life and millions of others: #WorldTeachersDay! PLZ RT

تويتر | 05 تشرين الأول 2010
Today let’s celebrate some of the most important people who’ve shaped YOUR life and millions of others: #WorldTeachersDay! PLZ RT

A few more days for recovery and hopefully my heart will be beating even more forcefully for those I serve and love

تويتر | 30 أيلول 2010
A few more days for recovery and hopefully my heart will be beating even more forcefully for those I serve and love

Thank u for get well msgs, they meant so much. Flying back tonight to finally reunite with loved ones.

تويتر | 30 أيلول 2010
Thank u for get well msgs, they meant so much. Flying back tonight to finally reunite with loved ones.

Am honored to introduce Klaus Schwab (of World Economic Forum fame) for the 2010 Global Citizen Award! Round of applause! #WEF

تويتر | 24 أيلول 2010
Am honored to introduce Klaus Schwab (of World Economic Forum fame) for the 2010 Global Citizen Award! Round of applause! #WEF

#MDG Summit over! Hopefully we’ll see action from the agenda! But only if YOU get interested!

تويتر | 23 أيلول 2010
#MDG Summit over! Hopefully we’ll see action from the agenda! But only if YOU get interested! http://bit.ly/18oyAp

Math lesson: 2+3=8. MDG2 (education) + MDG3 (gender equality) can help achieve ALL 8 #MDGs. That’s the power of edu & girls! PLZ RT

تويتر | 23 أيلول 2010
Math lesson: 2+3=8. MDG2 (education) + MDG3 (gender equality) can help achieve ALL 8 #MDGs. That’s the power of edu & girls! PLZ RT

Check out Because I am a Girl #girlsreport launch & support Plan's call for Inter'nal day 4 Girls @plan-international.org/girls'

تويتر | 22 أيلول 2010
Check out Because I am a Girl #girlsreport launch & support Plan's call for Inter'nal day 4 Girls @plan-international.org/girls'

Proud of everyone who campaigned so tirelessly for #1GOAL and signed their name to demand Education for All. THANK YOU!

تويتر | 22 أيلول 2010
Proud of everyone who campaigned so tirelessly for #1GOAL and signed their name to demand Education for All. THANK YOU!

The big moment’s here! Handing UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon all 18+ million of your names for #1GOAL. PLZ RT

تويتر | 22 أيلول 2010
The big moment’s here! Handing UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon all 18+ million of your names for #1GOAL. PLZ RT

Really enjoyed being on @CAmanpour’s new show. Hope you like it, too! Watch Sunday at 10am EST. PLZ RT

تويتر | 22 أيلول 2010
Really enjoyed being on @CAmanpour’s new show. Hope you like it, too! Watch Sunday at 10am EST. PLZ RT

So proud to be part of United Nations Foundation! Their #GirlUp campaign is simply inspiring! Get involved: PLZ RT

تويتر | 22 أيلول 2010
So proud to be part of United Nations Foundation! Their #GirlUp campaign is simply inspiring! Get involved: http://bit.ly/9qkx0d PLZ RT

Q: how do we get more money to schools around the world? A: Innovative financing!

تويتر | 21 أيلول 2010
Q: how do we get more money to schools around the world? A: Innovative financing! http://t.co/F0ZGM25

Discussing virtues & challenges of girls'/women's empowerment with @Katiecouric, President Sirleaf & Muhtar Kent at #CGI2010

تويتر | 21 أيلول 2010
Discussing virtues & challenges of girls'/women's empowerment with @Katiecouric, President Sirleaf & Muhtar Kent at #CGI2010

Will hand your names to UN Sec Gen this week to let him know there’s universal demand for universal primary education. #1GOAL

تويتر | 20 أيلول 2010
Will hand your names to UN Sec Gen this week to let him know there’s universal demand for universal primary education. #1GOAL

18 million = people signed up to #1GOAL. Thank you to everyone who joined the team; you still can here!

تويتر | 20 أيلول 2010
18 million = people signed up to #1GOAL. Thank you to everyone who joined the team; you still can here! http://bit.ly/11dESu

Honored 2 receive award from @SarahBrownUK @AriannaHuff & Donna Karan at #WIE. White Ribbon Alliance speaks for itself!

تويتر | 20 أيلول 2010
Honored 2 receive award from @SarahBrownUK @AriannaHuff & Donna Karan at #WIE. White Ribbon Alliance speaks for itself! http://bit.ly/9BxRdt

In NYC for UN General Assembly and all the buzz of activity that surrounds it! Mission for leaders this week: achieving the #MDGs!

تويتر | 19 أيلول 2010
In NYC for UN General Assembly and all the buzz of activity that surrounds it! Mission for leaders this week: achieving the #MDGs!

Lailat Al Qadr: Holiest, most spiritual night of #Ramadan; let it be 1 of prayer, reflection & appreciation for blessings we've been given.

تويتر | 05 أيلول 2010
Lailat Al Qadr: Holiest, most spiritual night of #Ramadan; let it be 1 of prayer, reflection & appreciation for blessings we've been given.

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