Maternal Mortality
Blog & Op-eds | November 25, 2009
Last year, 60 million women around the world gave birth without professional care.
More than half a million of them died.
Think, for a moment, a...
Creating a Supportive Environment for Mothers and Newborns
Blog & Op-eds | January 01, 2009
In 1631, a beautiful empress, Mumtaz Mahal, died while giving birth to her 14th child. Overwhelmed by grief, her husband constructed a monument in her...
The 100 Most Powerful Women: #76 Queen Rania
Avid campaigner of human rights and women's issues is also the globe's most tech-savvy monarch. Nearly 600,000 people follow her on Twitter, where she...
Another Divisive Wall
Blog & Op-eds | November 12, 2009
The fall of the Berlin Wall: what a testament to the power of peaceful revolution. Even as a high school student in Kuwait, it was impossible not to b...
Reading Is a Form of Liberation
Blog & Op-eds | April 19, 2009
Open Minds: The time has come for a new global narrative, declares Queen Rania of Jordan
Picking up a book is one of the cheapest entertainments ar...
Queen Rania: Stop Ignoring the Girls!
Blog & Op-eds | November 06, 2009
Global leaders are overlooking one of their most valuable weapons in the fight against everything from climate change to economic turmoil. Jordan's Qu...
Real Time Web for Real World Change
Blog & Op-eds | December 13, 2009
After I tweeted, not long before I was to go on stage, I heard my name being called. I walked out and there in front of me were about 2,500 people and...
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