Queen Rania Attends Gathering in Support of Children's Safety and Rights

Press Releases | April 29, 2009
(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) More than 200 Amman residents of all ages on Wednesday expressed their rejection of violence against children...

Queen Rania Reads "Maha of the Mountains" to Children in Johannesburg

Press Releases | March 27, 2009
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Johannesburg) As a staunch advocate for increasing access to quality education, Her Majesty Queen Rania on ...

Queen Rania Announced as Co-founder and Global Co-chair of 1GOAL Campaign at CGI Meeting in NY

Press Releases | September 24, 2009
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department, New York) During the Fifth Annual Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) meeting in New York, Her Majesty Queen Ran...

Queen Discusses Education and Prospects for Peace in the Middle East with CNN's Wolf Blitzer

Interviews | April 22, 2009
BLITZER: President Obama has been reaching out to the Muslim world. Yesterday he hosted Jordan's Ki...

Queen Rania on NPR: “The World Cannot Afford to Be Cynical”

Interviews | April 23, 2009
MICHELE NORRIS, host: King Abdullah of Jordan had a friendly warning for President Obama when the two met at the White House yesterday: Time is runni...

Queen Rania Launches Award to Honour School Principals

Press Releases | April 13, 2009
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Tuesday underlined the role of school-teachers and principals across the ...

أهل الهمة

Blog & Op-eds | March 10, 2009
في حياتنا كثير من الأبطال. قد لا يكونون خارقين بقدراتهم الجسدية لكنهم دون شك خارقون بتفانيهم لفعل الخير، بهمتهم وحسهم العالي بالمسؤولية. هم من يستثمرو...

غزة العدوان، و ذاكرتنا الإنتقائية

Blog & Op-eds | May 02, 2009
كلنا يعرفها، فقد اختزلت الأخبار غزة .. جثثاً تنتظر من يكفنها .. قصص عائلات تأمل في من يرد عنها الأذى ... طرق مغلقة .. وأفواه جائعة .. ومساعدات تتدفق م...

Queen Rania Urges RHAS to Apply Its Programs to Schools

Press Releases | March 02, 2009
(Jordan Times, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Monday urged the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) to apply its various health...

"حين تعجز الكلمة ويبكي الصمت"

Blog & Op-eds | January 29, 2009
لا يوجد ما يُِقال.. و لا يمكن أن تسعف الكلمة أيا منا هنا.. هكذا أحسست في الأيام الماضية.  لكن الصمت كُفر لا يقبله عقل أو دين .. ونحن بشر، والي...

Queen Rania's Speech at Global Philanthropy Forum 2005 - Washington DC, USA

Speeches | April 23, 2009
Leila’s Lesson It’s great to be celebrating Earth Day with so many inspirin...

Queen Rania's Speech at the Launch of Global Action Week 2009 - Washington DC, USA

Speeches | April 22, 2009
Thank you, Nita for those kind words. And a special hello to the fourth graders of Ben Goldberg’s Rock Creek Valley Elementary school who join us t...

Queen Rania's Speech at the 1GOAL Campaign: Education for All Launch - London, UK

Speeches | August 21, 2009
I’m here to ask you to join one team and help us reach one goal.   One goal:  To change the lives of children through education for ...

Queen Rania's Acceptance Speech for North-South Prize 2008 - Lisbon, Portugal

Speeches | March 17, 2009
Sayeedna, Your Excellencies, Distinguished Guests… Thank you, President Cavaco-Silva. It is an honor to receive the North-South Prize, together ...

Queen Rania's Speech at World Economic Forum Arab Sustainability Leadership Group Session

Speeches | October 07, 2009
Speaker …. Please welcome Her Majesty Queen Rania HMQ – Thank you, Darren, for your very kind words and more importantly for all that you’ve been d...

Our Humanity Is Incomplete

Blog & Op-eds | January 06, 2009
“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” ... Article one, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “Everyone has the righ...

Queen Rania's Speech at the Young Women's Leadership School in East Harlem - NY, USA

Speeches | September 21, 2009
Thank you, Ann. It’s an honor to be here with you all this morning; thank you for that warm welcome. What a wave of positive energy to start the day…w...

الملكة رانيا تصطحب أطفالاً من مبرة الملك الحسين لرعاية الأيتام لإطلاق فعاليات خيمة "هل هلالك"

Press Releases | August 24, 2009
اربد - أطلقت جلالة الملكة رانيا العبدالله من إربد اليوم فعاليات خيمة "هل هلالك" لتستقبل للسنة الثانية على التوالي المستفيدين من مؤسسات رعاية الأطفال ف...

الملكة رانيا تلقي كلمة في جامعة "اليرموك" بحضور مرشحي "أهل الهمة"

Press Releases | May 13, 2009
اربد- من على منصة مدرج الكندي في جامعة اليرموك، ثاني أقدم جامعة في الاردن، وامام الف من طلبة الجامعة ألقت جلالة الملكة رانيا العبدالله كلمة باركت فيها...

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