Queen Rania asserts that 21st century global leaders must place ‘people, humanity and peace at the heart of the world's agenda’
Press Releases | March 11, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - New Delhi) Addressing an audience of leaders, opinion shapers and policy makers from all around India, on F...
Board of World Links Commited to Building on the Success of First Phase of World Links Arab Region
Press Releases | June 13, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Dead Sea) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah hosted, on Monday morning, the second joint annual meeting o...
الملكة رانيا تزور مؤسسات تعنى بالأطفال من حيث رعايتهم التثقيفية والتعليمية
Press Releases | September 20, 2006
نيويورك - بهدف الاطلاع على التجارب الدولية المشابهة للمؤسسات التي تعنى بالأطفال من حيث الرعاية الصحية والتثقيفية والتعليمية زارت جلالة الملكة رانيا ال...
الملكة رانيا تلتقي سونيا غاندي وتشارك غدا في منتدى نيودلهي السنوي
Press Releases | March 10, 2006
نيودلهي - التعاون المشترك تجاه قضايا المجتمعات المحلية في كلا البلدين كانت أبرز نقاط اللقاء الذي جمع جلالة الملكة رانيا العبدالله وزعيمة الائتلاف التق...
كلمة الملكة رانيا في حفل إطلاق برنامج انجاز في الكويت
Speeches | November 23, 2006
الكويت, الكويت
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السيدات والسادة ... السّلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،
تغمرني الفرحة وأنا أَقف بينكم في الكويت .. بلدي ال...
Incredible India - Arrival
Blog & Op-eds | March 01, 2006
Recently, I was fortunate to visit India, Delhi specifically, for the first time. I would like to share my first impressions of this amazing and...
Incredible India - Friday
Blog & Op-eds | March 03, 2006
Light showers overnight meant a cooler morning, a welcome change to the previous evening. I was grateful; we had a busy day ahead.
We s...
Queen Rania Visits School, Community Center, and Oldest Resident of Al Shgeig
Press Releases | September 28, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Madaba) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah visited the village of Al Shgeig, near Madaba, today, where ...
In Davos, Queen Rania Addresses Challenges Facing Muslim World, Stresses Solutions Found in Youth
Press Releases | January 27, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Davos) - The Muslim world is at a “critical crossroad of self examination and self definition” a...
As Jordan Education Initiative Goes Global, Queen Rania Outlines 'Big Ambitions' for Jordanian Youth
Press Releases | January 28, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Davos) - As the Jordan Education Initiative (JEI) transforms into a global model for innovation in ed...
Queen Rania Visits India; Brings Child Educational, Health Concerns to Forefront
Press Releases | March 11, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – New Delhi) - Access to quality education and child immunization were the focus of Her Majesty Queen R...
Queen Rania Joins Ministry of Education and Intel in Honoring the Three Millionth Teacher to Complete Training Through "Intel Teach to the Future"
Press Releases | January 22, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) - Highlighting the central role of teachers in introducing creativity and 21st century learning ski...
Queen Rania Launches ITN, Lauds Innovative Efforts in Education
Press Releases | December 06, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Dead Sea) - Innovation and creativity are the new buzz words of the 21st century classroom, and with those...
Queen attends launch of School Adoption Program that brings together private sector and public schools
Press Releases | May 25, 2006
(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) - When you merge the dedication and commitment of the private sector with the heart and will o...
Queen Rania's Speech at the Mosaic Foundation 9th Annual Benefit Dinner - Washington DC, United States
Speeches | May 10, 2006
Thank you, Nermin, for those kind words – and, more importantly, for all you do as president of the Mosaic Foundation. Over the past eight years, the ...
Queen Rania Attends Cross-Cultural Festival Organized by World Links Arab Region
Press Releases | May 23, 2006
(Mahmoud Habboush, Jordan Times – Amman) – Schoolchildren across the country on Tuesday presented their visions of how to empower the use of technolog...
Queen Rania's Speech at Women as Global Leaders Conference 2006 - DUBAI, UAE
Speeches | March 12, 2006
Thank you, Sheikh Nahayan, for those kind words – and, more importantly, for your commitment to women’s education.
I am delighted to be here with a...
Queen Rania's Speech at WEF Global Education Initiative Session - Davos, Switzerland
Speeches | January 28, 2006
Thank you, John, for that kind introduction. It is great to be here with you and other visionary leaders to talk about the importance of education and...
كلمة الملكة في حفل توزيع جائزة الملكة رانيا للمعلم المتميز
Speeches | October 04, 2006
عمان, الاردن
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته،،
في هذا الجمع المميز بوجودكم، أتوجه إلى جميع الأردنيين بالتهنئة بحلول شهر رم...
مقابلة الملكة رانيا مع قناة العربية
Interviews | June 19, 2006
حوار مع منتهى الرمحي
منتهى الرمحي: أهلاً بكم من جديد، أكثر من 150 امرأة من أبرز النساء في العالم في مختلف القطاعات تجمعن في الأردن وشاركن في المؤتم...
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Queen Rania's official website
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