Royal Health Awareness Society
About the Royal Health Awareness Society
The Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) was established in 2005 to raise health and safety awareness in Jordan by implementing preventative programs and developing awareness campaigns on a variety of health challenges. RHAS programs encourage Jordanians to change unhealthy habits and lifestyles through capacity building, interactive learning, accreditation and continuous support, in turn addressing national health priorities.
A healthy child pays more attention in class, and healthy families make healthy societies. RHAS’s work is crucial considering that almost 3 out of 4 deaths in Jordan are due to non-communicable diseases, a phenomenon which has been aggravated by urbanization and changing lifestyle and dietary habits. RHAS has developed initiatives and strong partnerships with government and local communities to tackle this trend, complementing Jordan’s high quality health profession and the strong political commitment to public health in the country.
RHAS operates within public and private schools, Ministry of Health comprehensive centers, universities and local communities. RHAS has over 40 partnerships from the private and public sectors and from civil society, both at national and international levels.
Raise the health awareness of the Jordanian society through implementing preventative public health and safety programs based on the right to health for all.
Towards a healthy and safe Jordan.

Queen Rania's official website
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