"The Sandwich Swap" by Queen Rania Becomes New York Times Bestselling Children's Picture Book

(Office of Her Majesty- Press Department- Amman) According to the New York Times weekly book review, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah's book, "The Sandwich Swap", is the number one bestselling children's picture book in the United States.
Her Majesty, who has recently come back from a book tour, promotes the values of understanding and compassion through the story of Lily And Salma, two friends from two different backgrounds, who, after swapping peanut butter and hummus sandwiches, find out that they have more things in common than different.
The Sandwich Swap is a children’s picture book from Disney Book Group, written by Queen Rania Al Abdullah and co-authored with Kelly DiPucchio. Illustrations are by Tricia Tusa.
All of Her Majesty's proceeds from "The Sandwich Swap" will go to Madrasati Jordan, an education initiative launched by Queen Rania to renovate and better the learning environment in 500 public schools.
Queen Rania's official website
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