Queen Rania Chairs a Discussion with Entrepreneurs from INJAZ

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah met today with a group of INJAZ Al-Arab alumni and entrepreneurs during a session celebrating the organization’s 10th anniversary.
The meeting, which was also attended by Sean Rush, President and CEO of US-based Junior Achievement Worldwide (JAW); INJAZ’s parent organization, Soraya Salti, MENA Regional Director of INJAZ Al-Arab and Akef Aqrabawi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of INJAZ Al-Arab, showcased success stories of 14 young entrepreneurs from different countries including Jordan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, KSA, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Qatar, Yemen and Oman.
Queen Rania praised the role of INJAZ and stressed the importance of its programs in providing youth with various job opportunities, which is considered to be one of the biggest challenges Arab youth face today.
Her Majesty also emphasized the importance of featuring INJAZ’s different training courses on Edraak’s platform in order to benefit the highest possible number of Arab youth.
Also during the session, attendees watched a short video highlighting INJAZ Al-Arab’s key achievements. Since its launch in Jordan in 2004, the organisation has reached 2 million students with the support of more than 22,000 volunteers from 14 countries in the MENA region, in addition to Pakistan.
Marking the occasion, Soraya Salti said “We would not be here today without the support of Her Majesty and her belief in our mission to plant the seeds of entrepreneurship and promote it among our youth to encourage self-employment and the creation of more jobs.”
Aqrabawi also said that "Our students represent the spirit of experimentation and leadership in the Arab world, which is not only essential in creating jobs and offering entrepreneurial opportunities for our youth, this spirit is at the core of a youth-led economic renaissance.”
INJAZ Al-Arab & Junior Achievement Worldwide
Operating in 14 countries across the Middle East and North Africa, INJAZ Al-Arab is the only non-profit organization in the region that harnesses the mentorship of business leaders to help inspire a culture of entrepreneurship and business innovation among Arab youth.
Partnering with leading companies in the private sector, INJAZ Al-Arab equips Arab youth to drive the economies of the Arab World forward through training designed to inspire them to develop ambition, entrepreneurship and professional skills.
Named one of the top 100 NGOs in the world by Global Journal for two consecutive years (2012, 2013), INJAZ Al-Arab has influenced the lives of over 1.5 million students since its inception in 2004.
INJAZ Al-Arab is a member of Junior Achievement; the world’s largest and fastest-growing youth business organisation dedicated to educating students about workforce readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs.
Queen Rania's official website
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