Queen Rania Visits Madaba

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Madaba) – Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah made a visit to the Governorate of Madaba today. The visit included Al Namiyah Primary School, a community development center, and the Mkawer Castle Visitors’ Center.
At Al Namiyah School Her Majesty was briefed by local teacher, Ms. Roqaya Al Bawareed, on the situation of the school. The Jordan River Foundation along with Her Majesty’s Madrasati Initiative will be working in schools in Al Areed area.
At the Social Development Center Her Majesty met with members of Al Areed local committee, heads of directorates, and members of the JRF team. Deputy Director of JRF, Eng. Ghaleb Qudah, presented Her Majesty with the results of the needs assessment workshop that was conducted by JRF in the area.
The meeting was attended by Madaba Governor, H.E. Waleed Bida and Director of the Social Development Center Ms. Ghada Al Aqaideh.
The meeting marked the official launch of JRF’s Poverty Pockets III Program in the area, which is funded by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation.
At Al Mkawer castle visitor house Her Majesty was briefed by Mr. Ayed Al Shakhanbeh, Head of Hamamat Qaseeb association, on the partnership between JRF and the association. She was also briefed by Mr. Wael Ja’nini, Head of Tourism Directorate on their future plans to attract more tourists to the castle and the area in general.
According to Her Majesty's twitter account, She also ran into a group of Australian tourists visiting the area: "In Madaba, Jordan: Tourists ALL the way from Australia, saying to me: 'what are YOU doing here?' #MadeMeSmile #Tra http://twitpic.com/4k1pn9".
Her Majesty also met with a group of twenty women beneficiaries from Bani Hamida project who focus on weaving and wool spinning. The women create traditional products as part of income generating projects that in return mark an important asset to the tourism industry.
Queen Rania's official website
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