Queen Rania Checks Up on CCA Poverty Pockets Programs During Visit to Sahab

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- AMMAN) –Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah paid a visit to the Shams Al Amal Society for the Disabled in Sahab in Amman today, where she received a brief on the new methodologies applied by the Community Centers Association (CCA) in poverty pocket areas.
The Queen met with the Society’s board members and toured its facilities, and stopped by some of their programs including Braille training, automatic operator course and talking computer and communication skills course.
During a meeting with a group of Sahab’s poorest families, Dr. Sari Nasser, Chairman of the CCA and Dr. Firyal Saleh, Director of CCA briefed Her Majesty on their latest interventions and programs in poverty pocket areas, implemented by the Association in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC).
CCA has adopted a methodology which caters to working with individual families and empowering them on an individual bases rather than through a community based organization. They identified the needs of 100 families after conducting a vast field survey. These families then worked on creating their own organization which would answer to the needs of all poor families in the area by linking them to various job opportunities, organizations, renovating their homes, training programs, or providing them with loans to start up their own businesses.
In Sahab the community has established Sunn’a Al Haya Society through such interventions.
Sahab was considered a poverty pocket in the 2011 MoPIC classification, and was assigned to CCA to work on the implementation of various programs to elevate the standards of living for the area’s worst off families.
Following the meeting, Her Majesty visited households in the area, including the house of Um Mohammad, where she checked up on the widower and mother of three and inquired about their needs.
Queen Rania's official website
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