Queen Rania Lights Christmas Tree in Fuheis

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Fuheis) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah joined residents of Fuheis on Sunday for the lighting of the Christmas tree at Qanater Ampitheatre, where she expressed her warm wishes for Jordanians during the holiday season and the coming year.
“May God bring you lasting love and serenity as you celebrate this year, and every year, alongside your loved ones and your extended Jordanian family,” Her Majesty said after lighting the tree, which she described as a symbol not only of the holy occasion of Christmas, but also of the love that all Jordanians have for each other.
“During such occasions, Jordan celebrates as a whole, embodying the true meaning of brotherhood and coexistence,” the Queen added.
Organized by the Municipality of Fuheis in collaboration with the Fuheis Youth Club and other civil society organizations, the Christmas celebrations included a performance of Christmas carols by children and a holiday bazaar, where Her Majesty viewed the various Christmas decorations and food items on offer.
The tree-lighting ceremony also featured remarks from Head of Fuheis Municipality, Jamal Hattar, and Archbishop Christophorus Attallah, and the participation of Balqa Governor, Nayef Al Hajaya.
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