Queen Rania Honors Winners of 10th Teacher Award & 4th Principal Award

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Amman) In a ceremony held by the Association of Queen Rania Al Abdullah Award for Excellence in Education (QRAEE) today, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, chairperson of the QRAEE board of trustees, honored the winners of the 10th Teacher Award and the 4thPrincipal Award cycles, which coincides with QRAEE’s 10th anniversary.
Held at the Royal Cultural Center-Al Hussein Youth City and sponsored by Zain, the ceremony was attended by His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Dr. Mohammad Thneibat, teachers, principals and their families, senior officials, QRAEE representatives, private and public sector sponsors, as well as media personalities.
Her Majesty spoke at the event, highlighting the importance of recognizing teachers’ roles in building a more resilient and tolerant future generation.
“Ten years ago, I launched the Teachers’ Award to start a tradition of recognizing outstanding educators whose skills reflect deeply on our success as a nation,”Her Majesty said.
Queen Rania then continued, “I launched it for another reason, which few of you may not know… as it troubled me back then to learn that teachers felt unappreciated in our nation’s journey. And that is when I said: the era of teachers is back; believing in their role, I hoped they would reclaim their status and, once again, become a point of reference for all.”
“Respecting teachers is a public social responsibility that is rooted first within homes, and then in classrooms, where capable teachers can earn students’ respect with their knowledge and experience,” Queen Rania said. “Students must realize the importance of education before going to school; they must realize that that between their present and a promising future lies a school, an education, and a teacher,” she added.
Referring to the pivotal role that a teacher plays in the face of turbulent times, she said, “we need our teachers more than ever... Our future depends on the next generation, their education, and the values they instill in them.”
“Our young generation is being exposed to harmful new ideologies that neither our generation, nor previous ones, was familiar with —until today” she asserted.
Queen Rania went on to explain how discrimination is like a disease that takes advantage of vulnerable communities and spreads fear, adding that “minds haunted by fear have no room for dreams. What future is one without dreams, hopes, and ambitions?”
Recalling the need to prepare youth to face alien ideologies, Queen Rania said, “We have to empower and raise them on the values of diversity and dialogue that Jordanians have passed on through the generations.”
“We should teach them that they are part of a global community, one with more similarities than differences. Let’s teach children values that help them thrive, not ones that isolate and instill fear of the other,” Her Majesty added.
Queen Rania concluded the speech by reaffirming that teachers are the country’s best chance at preparing a generation that will secure a better future for Jordan, congratulating educators for their commitment to this end.
After the speech, Her Majesty Queen Rania honored 25 winners, bestowing prizes and plaques to 15 teachers who won in five different categories, as well as 10 principals who won the distinguished principal awards in two categories.
During the ceremony, Dr. Thneibat expressed the educational community’s gratitude for this initiative to Her Majesty, and thanked the educators for their persistent efforts in this noble profession.
Also speaking at the ceremony, Ms. Touqan thanked all partners and entities contributing to the Award Association and its success, which included the Ministry of Social Development and the National Council for Family Affairs. She expressed her gratitude to Queen Rania, noting that “Appreciating, honoring and motivating the teacher to disseminate a culture of excellence and creativity [has] started to leave its marks in the field of education,” adding that she hoped these awards would expand in the years to come.
Queen Rania's official website
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