Queen Rania Meets Madrasati Volunteers

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department- Amman) Building on its community-based participatory approach, Queen Rania’s Madrasati initiative established a volunteering scheme aimed at enhancing extra-curricular activities in schools across the Kingdom.
The volunteer program, inaugurated in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Rania, reflects the spirit of community service and social responsibility that lie at the core of the grassroots initiative.
With the ultimate aim of refurbishing 500 of Jordan’s most dilapidated schools in an ambitious five-year plan, the newly established scheme will complement Madrasati’s existing programs, seeking collaborative solutions to create stronger and healthier school settings.
Supported by the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) and Bridges of Understanding, a US nonprofit organization, the program will team up volunteers with local school bodies to plan and coordinate activities for students. These will include art workshops, film, and sports- relying on the volunteers’ expertise and skill set.
During the visit, a group of volunteers already working with Madrasati shared their experiences with Her Majesty, highlighting their work with school children, and what they learned from the students.
Her Majesty listened to the stories, and commending their efforts, noted how their experiences reflect a sense of citizenship and increased social responsibility among Jordanians.
Also today, the Mayor of Amman discussed GAM’s strategic alliance with Madrasati, announcing new developments include the provision of office space for volunteers located within the premises of GAM’s parks.
At the event, Her Majesty was also briefed by Luma Kawar on the partnership with “Bridges of Understanding,” who provided US $ 25,000 to set up Madrasati’s volunteer program.
Madrasati Director Danah Dajani told the assembled that a total of 380 volunteers from five Universities, the public sector and local communities are already working with the Madrasati volunteer program.
Queen Rania launched Madrasati as a public-private partnership in 2008 in an effort to improve the infrastructure of public schools in Jordan and create a better learning environment for students. The initiative is intended to benefit some 165,000 students over a period of five years.
Madrasati is currently in its second phase, which builds on the establishment of a higher quality of education for children by continuing the significant progress made in Phase I, where a total of 100 schools were renovated in Amman and Zarqa areas.
Queen Rania's official website
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