Queen Rania Attends the Young Global Leaders Summit at the Dead Sea

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Wednesday attended the fifth Young Global Leaders (YGL) Summit, where a globally diverse network of leaders from all segments of society, gathered to address socio-economic challenges facing the region.
As chairperson of the YGL’s Nomination and Selection Committee and as a member of the YGL’s Foundation Board, Queen Rania said: “You hail from every corner of the globe. Each of you has made your mark, and earned your reputation. Now, as Young Global Leaders, you have the prestige and potential to transform people’s lives. At a time when the global financial crisis is fast becoming a development emergency, we need you to put your ideas into action more than ever before. ”
Encouraging the YGL’s to become a dynamic engine of change and global development, Her Majesty then described three success stories based on Madrasati, Ruwwad and Jordan River Foundation (JRF) highlighting the positive impact such projects have on different communities across Jordan.
“These initiatives grew out of our experiences in Jordan, and our belief in the power of public-private partnerships but they all exemplify learning, empowering, and acting. That’s why I believe they hold such relevance for you,” she said to more than 200 YGLs attending the session.
Her Majesty’s remarks were followed by a panel session titled: “Leadership in Tough Times – Cooperation in Tough Climes.” Panelists included: Bassem I. Awadallah, Chief Executive Officer, Tomoh Advisory, Marwan Jamil Muasher, Senior Vice-President, External Affairs, World Bank, Soraya Salti, INJAZ Senior Vice-President, and Khaldoon Tabaza, Chairman and Managing Director of Riyada Ventures.
During the session, moderated by Karim Kawar, President of Kawar Group, participants touched on issues related to the quality of education in Jordan, gender parity and the empowerment of women, stressing the importance of promoting public-private partnerships to tackle unemployment in the region.
The panelists also presented different perspectives and visions for the future of the Arab world, including the issue of security and the significance of the Arab Peace Initiative for the region as a whole.
More on YGL’s
The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a unique, multistakeholder community of exceptional young leaders who share a commitment to shaping the global future. Each year the World Economic Forum identifies 200-300 extraordinary individuals, drawn from every region of the world. Together, they form a powerful international community that can dramatically impact the global future.
Queen Rania's official website
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