Queen Rania Meets Young Entrepreneurs and Organisers of the Global Business Opportunities Program

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania on Wednesday urged young people to benefit from the experience and knowledge of global communities in order to implement their own projects.
During a meeting with young people participating in the Global Business Opportunities Programme from Jordan, Argentina and South Africa, she reiterated that young persons should practise teamwork and learn from other cultures to implement successful business projects.
The Queen listened to the experiences of young Jordanians taking part in the programme alongside youths from Argentina and South Africa.
Launched by the Emirati Al Ahli Holding Group in cooperation with the Queen Rania Centre for Entrepreneurship (QRCE), the programme seeks to prepare young persons to launch global business ventures through training.
During yesterday’s meeting, the young Jordanians briefed the Queen on their project ideas, which they seek to implement in partnership with their Argentinian and South African peers.
This year, 25 young men and women are taking part in the programme, nine of whom are from the QRCE.
The participants have undergone three-week intensive training offered by Cisco, during which they learned about management, marketing and finance as well as other career-related skills.
“It is our duty as the private sector to cooperate with the government, NGOs and various training and educational institutions to train and empower the youth,” said Mohammad Khammas, CEO of the Al Ahli Holding Group, highlighting the goals of the programme.
The Al Ahli Holding Group comprises several companies involved in real estate, construction, engineering and several industries.
The group’s programme was first implemented in Argentina with participants from Argentina and the UAE.
The Queen Rania Centre for Entrepreneurship is a regional centre which seeks to enhance entrepreneurship in various sectors in Jordan.
Queen Rania's official website
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