Queen Rania Lights Jordan’s Largest Christmas Tree

(Office of Her Majesty – Press Department – Fuheis) - Although Jordan is not expected to have a white Christmas this year, there was still plenty of holiday cheer in the air as Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah lit up the Kingdom’s largest Christmas tree in Fuheis, Monday.
Glittered with holiday lights and Christmas decorations, the city’s main square was full of glee as children gathered to watch the special ceremony. Nearly a dozen children were singing carols in the background as the Queen flipped the switch.
Also gathered around the 20-meter-tree were priests and sheikhs from many of the local churches and mosques, demonstrating the strong bonds of coexistence in the Jordanian community as Christians and Muslims stood side-by-side to enjoy the special occasion.
Monday’s event, which was attended by Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Maha Khatib, marked the official opening of the Fuheis Christmas Festival. The festival will run until December 24 and features various events from 4:00 pm to midnight.
Fuheis Mayor Jeryes Sweiss, who commemorated the lighting ceremony, said that this is the first annual festival and in the coming years he looks forward to welcoming more and more visitors from surrounding cities.
While in Fuheis, Queen Rania also met with over 200 orphans as well as school children from the area to enjoy past-times like face painting and balloon shaping. She then paid a visit to the Orthodox Secondary School where community members were selling Christmas decorations and food products.
The Queen said she enjoyed spending time with the children and hopes the spirit of the holidays continues to spread throughout the Kingdom, bringing together Muslims and Christians who are all celebrating holy occasions – from Eid al Adha to Christmas – during this special time of year.
For the full scheduling of the Fuheis Christmas Festival, please visit http://www.siyaha.org/v1/eventsdetail.php?news_id=48 or email christmasfestival2008@siyaha.org
Queen Rania's official website
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