Queen Rania marches with thousands of Jordanians against terrorism

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah participated with thousands of Jordanians in a national public rally pledging allegiance to the country, denouncing all forms of terror and calling for security and stability in the region.
“The silent majority decided to speak out against terrorism in a first-of-its-kind demonstration in the Arab and Muslim World at this scale,” Queen Rania told the Jordan News Agency, Petra.
Walking hand-in hand with 9th grade students from public schools, Queen Rania joined around 80,000 Jordanians from all walks of life who converged on Amman from all over the Kingdom to condemn all forms of violence and terrorism.
Jordanian security officials last week uncovered a plot by a group that was planning subversive acts that would have led to thousands of fatalities and injuries.
Queen Rania noted that Jordanians demonstrated they were sharing the responsibility together to abort any plans that could undermine the country's and citizens' best interests.
Queen Rania's official website
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