Queen Rania Supports Medical Aid for Palestinians

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah participated in a fundraising event organized by the Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and the Arab Women's Association (AWA) in London, as part of her efforts in supporting the work of humanitarian organizations around the world.
The event, which is held every year, aims to raise funds to enable MAP and AWA to continue their humanitarian work, which is urgently needed for Palestinians in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria.
In June last year, Queen Rania visited MAP offices and jointly launched a major appeal with Ms. Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister, to provide medical and food aid to vulnerable Palestinians inside the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
MAP, a British charity founded in 1984 and supported by the British public, the British Government, the European Community, and the United Nations, is working throughout the Palestinian territories and in refugee camps to provide basic medical assistance and rehabilitation services to teenagers traumatized by the continuing conflict; training for pediatric nurses, equipment for health centers, and programs to help women learn how to start and manage small income-generating projects.
MAP is also raising funds for a three-year mental health project for the Children of Palestine to help them develop coping strategies for their psychiatric disorders including traumatic experiences through preventative, counseling and therapy sessions.
The Arab Women's Association was established in 1982 by a group of Arab women residing in London, to help children in need in the Arab World and provide professional training courses to youth, women and children in Palestine and Lebanon.
Speaking at the event were Mustapha Barghouthi, President of the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees, and Afeef Safieh, Palestinian Ambassador to London. Dr. Barghouthi, a renowned health and human rights activist, was the 2002 winner of the Health Development Prize from the World Health Organization (WHO).
Queen Rania's official website
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