Jordan River Foundation
About the Jordan River Foundation
The Jordan River Foundation (JRF) is a non-governmental organization established in 1995 with a focus on both child safety and community empowerment.
JRF provides home-grown solutions to some of Jordan’s most pressing challenges. The Foundation’s Community Empowerment Program provides expertise, guidance, and financial support for local projects that create economic opportunities for people in local communities. The program further provides training and capacity building to ensure that local communities have the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to be self-reliant and sustainable.
JRF’s other flagship program, the Child Safety Program, incorporates both prevention and intervention models for child safety which are responsive to local needs and priorities. The program improves child safety and child-raising practices in Jordan by providing comprehensive training and services for children, and for victims of child abuse and their families. JRF also raises awareness among the general public and builds capacity in child protection and child safety with all stakeholders who work in this field at a national level.
To inspire Jordanians to realize their full economic potential and overcome particularly damaging social difficulties, especially child abuse.
A Jordan where solutions are homegrown, where the opportunity to prosper is available to all, and where the well-being of children is secured to shape Jordan’s future for the better.

Queen Rania's official website
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