Factoid: There are half a billion women around the world that can't read or write. That's the same as population of EU!

تويتر | 01 حزيران 2009
Factoid: There are half a billion women around the world that can't read or write. That's the same as population of EU!

Go for it Susan Boyle! Good luck on Saturday. I’m behind you!

تويتر | 28 أيار 2009
Go for it Susan Boyle! Good luck on Saturday. I’m behind you!

Thnkng of playng dress up & tryng ths out. If u hear of a Susan Boyle sightng in Amman...well, u knw who it is.

تويتر | 28 أيار 2009
Thnkng of playng dress up & tryng ths out. http://bit.ly/11rw69 If u hear of a Susan Boyle sightng in Amman...well, u knw who it is.

@sebmos I'm proud Jordan has 99% youth literacy & 93% for adults (highest in region). We help the rest thru adult ed. and evenin classes.

تويتر | 25 أيار 2009
@sebmos I'm proud Jordan has 99% youth literacy & 93% for adults (highest in region). We help the rest thru adult ed. and evenin classes.

Illiteracy not only drives down prosperity and opportunity, but also a wedge between one human and another.

تويتر | 25 أيار 2009
Illiteracy not only drives down prosperity and opportunity, but also a wedge between one human and another. http://bit.ly/LfpBo

Thanks for the Independence Day messages! Looking forward to the day we celebrate global independence from illiteracy,

تويتر | 25 أيار 2009
Thanks for the Independence Day messages! Looking forward to the day we celebrate global independence from illiteracy,

How cool is this?

تويتر | 21 أيار 2009
How cool is this? http://twitpic.com/5m3sn

Took kids to airshow to see Red Arrows. Nice to spend quality time with them after working WEF last weekend.

تويتر | 21 أيار 2009
Took kids to airshow to see Red Arrows. Nice to spend quality time with them after working WEF last weekend. http://twitpic.com/5m3m6

- Just wrapped photo shoot. Love Jerash's Roman ruins @ sunset. C pix in Sept's CondeNast Traveller.

تويتر | 20 أيار 2009
http://twitpic.com/5kc5j - Just wrapped photo shoot. Love Jerash's Roman ruins @ sunset. C pix in Sept's CondeNast Traveller.

My @TechCrunch intr'w is up; enjoyed @RoiCarthy's Qs! Let me know wht u think here or on FB

تويتر | 19 أيار 2009
My @TechCrunch intr'w is up; enjoyed @RoiCarthy's Qs! http://bit.ly/pE5hw Let me know wht u think here or on FB http://bit.ly/d8GlN

@ office working w team on plans ahead. Cunning bunch; underhandedly trying to cheat me out of summer brk! But where would I b without them.

تويتر | 19 أيار 2009
@ office working w team on plans ahead. Cunning bunch; underhandedly trying to cheat me out of summer brk! But where would I b without them.

@Chad_Hurley So glad u made it. I’m told you videoed the Madrasati school. Let me know if it ends up on YT!

تويتر | 18 أيار 2009
@Chad_Hurley So glad u made it. I’m told you videoed the Madrasati school. Let me know if it ends up on YT!

Mouthfulls that can't be captured in this space!More info on www.queenrania.jo a bit later.

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
Mouthfulls that can't be captured in this space!More info on www.queenrania.jo a bit later.

At WEF, Jst spoke abt "Sustainability & Responsible Competitivness" in our Region.

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
At WEF, Jst spoke abt "Sustainability & Responsible Competitivness" in our Region.

@davos 5) Absolutely. Globally, it’s the 8 MDGs. For my region, it’s an end to conflict and quality education for all. #jordan09

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 5) Absolutely. Globally, it’s the 8 MDGs. For my region, it’s an end to conflict and quality education for all. #jordan09

@davos 4b) I’m proud of Jordan’s diversity & reputation for welcoming those in need. #jordan09

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 4b) I’m proud of Jordan’s diversity & reputation for welcoming those in need. #jordan09

@davos 4a) Personal prejudice will always exist. But this by no means maj sentiment. #jordan09

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 4a) Personal prejudice will always exist. But this by no means maj sentiment. #jordan09

@davos 3) Bring down the walls. #jordan09

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 3) Bring down the walls. #jordan09

@davos 2)Yes. New cultures, languages, and experiences r just a click away, which means all our children can be digital diplomats. #jordan09

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 2)Yes. New cultures, languages, and experiences r just a click away, which means all our children can be digital diplomats. #jordan09

@davos 1) I think humanity knows. R’mber how world united after tsunami? The knowledge is there, we just need the will to act. #jordan09

تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 1) I think humanity knows. R’mber how world united after tsunami? The knowledge is there, we just need the will to act. #jordan09

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