Factoid: There are half a billion women around the world that can't read or write. That's the same as population of EU!
تويتر | 01 حزيران 2009
Factoid: There are half a billion women around the world that can't read or write. That's the same as population of EU!
Go for it Susan Boyle! Good luck on Saturday. I’m behind you!
تويتر | 28 أيار 2009
Go for it Susan Boyle! Good luck on Saturday. I’m behind you!
Thnkng of playng dress up & tryng ths out. If u hear of a Susan Boyle sightng in Amman...well, u knw who it is.
تويتر | 28 أيار 2009
Thnkng of playng dress up & tryng ths out. http://bit.ly/11rw69 If u hear of a Susan Boyle sightng in Amman...well, u knw who it is.
@sebmos I'm proud Jordan has 99% youth literacy & 93% for adults (highest in region). We help the rest thru adult ed. and evenin classes.
تويتر | 25 أيار 2009
@sebmos I'm proud Jordan has 99% youth literacy & 93% for adults (highest in region). We help the rest thru adult ed. and evenin classes.
Illiteracy not only drives down prosperity and opportunity, but also a wedge between one human and another.
تويتر | 25 أيار 2009
Illiteracy not only drives down prosperity and opportunity, but also a wedge between one human and another. http://bit.ly/LfpBo
Thanks for the Independence Day messages! Looking forward to the day we celebrate global independence from illiteracy,
تويتر | 25 أيار 2009
Thanks for the Independence Day messages! Looking forward to the day we celebrate global independence from illiteracy,
Took kids to airshow to see Red Arrows. Nice to spend quality time with them after working WEF last weekend.
تويتر | 21 أيار 2009
Took kids to airshow to see Red Arrows. Nice to spend quality time with them after working WEF last weekend. http://twitpic.com/5m3m6
- Just wrapped photo shoot. Love Jerash's Roman ruins @ sunset. C pix in Sept's CondeNast Traveller.
تويتر | 20 أيار 2009
http://twitpic.com/5kc5j - Just wrapped photo shoot. Love Jerash's Roman ruins @ sunset. C pix in Sept's CondeNast Traveller.
My @TechCrunch intr'w is up; enjoyed @RoiCarthy's Qs! Let me know wht u think here or on FB
تويتر | 19 أيار 2009
My @TechCrunch intr'w is up; enjoyed @RoiCarthy's Qs! http://bit.ly/pE5hw Let me know wht u think here or on FB http://bit.ly/d8GlN
@ office working w team on plans ahead. Cunning bunch; underhandedly trying to cheat me out of summer brk! But where would I b without them.
تويتر | 19 أيار 2009
@ office working w team on plans ahead. Cunning bunch; underhandedly trying to cheat me out of summer brk! But where would I b without them.
@Chad_Hurley So glad u made it. I’m told you videoed the Madrasati school. Let me know if it ends up on YT!
تويتر | 18 أيار 2009
@Chad_Hurley So glad u made it. I’m told you videoed the Madrasati school. Let me know if it ends up on YT!
Mouthfulls that can't be captured in this space!More info on www.queenrania.jo a bit later.
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
Mouthfulls that can't be captured in this space!More info on www.queenrania.jo a bit later.
At WEF, Jst spoke abt "Sustainability & Responsible Competitivness" in our Region.
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
At WEF, Jst spoke abt "Sustainability & Responsible Competitivness" in our Region.
@davos 5) Absolutely. Globally, it’s the 8 MDGs. For my region, it’s an end to conflict and quality education for all. #jordan09
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 5) Absolutely. Globally, it’s the 8 MDGs. For my region, it’s an end to conflict and quality education for all. #jordan09
@davos 4b) I’m proud of Jordan’s diversity & reputation for welcoming those in need. #jordan09
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 4b) I’m proud of Jordan’s diversity & reputation for welcoming those in need. #jordan09
@davos 4a) Personal prejudice will always exist. But this by no means maj sentiment. #jordan09
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 4a) Personal prejudice will always exist. But this by no means maj sentiment. #jordan09
@davos 3) Bring down the walls. #jordan09
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 3) Bring down the walls. #jordan09
@davos 2)Yes. New cultures, languages, and experiences r just a click away, which means all our children can be digital diplomats. #jordan09
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 2)Yes. New cultures, languages, and experiences r just a click away, which means all our children can be digital diplomats. #jordan09
@davos 1) I think humanity knows. R’mber how world united after tsunami? The knowledge is there, we just need the will to act. #jordan09
تويتر | 16 أيار 2009
@davos 1) I think humanity knows. R’mber how world united after tsunami? The knowledge is there, we just need the will to act. #jordan09
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