Queen Rania Stresses the Importance of Developing Successful and Implementable Initiatives During a Meeting of the Executive Committee for the Arab Women's Summit
(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - AMMAN) Enhancing cross-cultural dialogue among women in the Arab world, raising awareness on issues related to women, and exchanging knowledge and information, are among the main components of strategy by the Executive Committee for the Arab Women’s Summit.
In a follow-up meeting with Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah the committee, which represents women pioneers from the private and public sectors, presented a plan for sustainable programs that will address women's issues in Jordan and the Arab world.
Queen Rania, President of the Arab Women’s Summit, stressed the importance of developing successful and implementable initiatives that will serve as an example for other countries.
She added that the committee should develop a clear mechanism, one that takes into consideration organizations that must be involved in the implementation process.
In her presentation, Ruwaidah Maaytah, Minister of Social Development and Head of the Committee, emphasized the importance of initiating cross-cultural dialogue among women through regular discussion forums to exchange experiences, information and know-how.
She added that this initiative, which complements Queen Rania’s efforts in encouraging cross-cultural dialogue and understanding, would contribute to enhancing the image of Arab women in the West.
As part of the two-year plan, the committee is in the process of developing an on-line portal that will act as a resource platform for women in Jordan and the Arab world.
The portal will allow women from the Arab world to interact and exchange views on issues of common concern, and will act as a vital source of information and research addressing women’s issues.
The committee also presented programs that aim at raising awareness on issues related to women through the media. At the meeting, the committee discussed the upcoming forums to be held throughout the next two years as part of the Arab Women’s Summit.
The forums will address topics such as women and management, the role of youth in shaping the future, women and technology as well as women and society.
Syria hosted the first forum under the theme Women and Education in early February.
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