Queen Rania announces the launch of Arab Women's Organization

(Office of Her Majesty, Press Department - Amman) Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, President of the Arab Women’s Summit on Monday announced the official launch of the Arab Women’s Organization during the first meeting of the organization’s Executive Council.
The organization, which will operate under the umbrella of the Arab League, aims to empower Arab women, encourage their participation in the development process of their respective communities and draw unified strategies to improve the status of women in the Arab World.
The organization also aims to address women’s issues in regional and international forums in order to raise awareness on the situation of Arab women.
During the meeting, which was attended by representatives of Arab countries that have endorsed the organization, Queen Rania, commended the efforts of the Council in setting up the organization, which will serve as the backbone of the Arab Women’s Summit and support it with solid initiatives.
Queen Rania, President of the organization’s Higher Council, expressed her confidence in the council’s ability to develop a framework that would help translate the organization’s vision into action on the ground for the benefit of women in the Arab world.
She also expressed hope that other Arab countries will support the organization and join efforts to further enhance the role of Arab women.
The Executive Council is comprised of representatives from Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Tunisia, Syria, Sudan, Lebanon, Oman and Egypt, all of which have so far endorsed the organization. During the meeting the Council discussed the organization’s bylaws and internal structure.
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