Queen Rania Chairs First Meeting of Royal Health Awareness Society

(Office of Her Majesty - Press Department - Amman) - Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah, on Wednesday, chaired the inaugural meeting of the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS), a newly formulated non-profit organization established to promote health awareness among a wider public, focusing on comprehensive access to information and helping raise healthy and socially-responsible citizens, living in harmony within a safe environment.
During the meeting, Queen Rania reiterated the need for public awareness of undesirable health-related behavior and customs, which are currently prevalent as a result of modern day-to-day norms, routines and lifestyles in general.
She added that such awareness is also required on issues that appear to be simple, but are complex in nature, such as physical fitness, nutritional methods and family health methods and techniques, which, she continued, have a negative effect on people’s health.
Queen Rania also noted that such awareness campaigns must be based on comprehensive objectives and strategies to allow for pragmatic solutions to be translated into reality on the ground.
The meeting, attended by the society’s board members, included an overview of the RHAS’ objectives, mission and vision, presented by the society’s Vice Chairperson, Dr. Rami Farraj.
RHAS Director-General, Ms. Mayyada Abu-Jaber, also briefed attendees on the organization’s structure and future plans, the latter of which includes the establishment of the King Abdullah II Award for Health and Physical Fitness as well as the Child Well-Being Initiative.
Working closely with the different donors, the government and the health ministry in particular to achieve its mandate, RHAS collaborates with the healthcare community to promote healthy habits and nutritious diet, and to advocate for the right of preventive screening for Jordanian citizens.
The society also promotes physical fitness among youth and adults, while fostering safe and healthy environments. This enables Jordanians to make healthy choices and avoid risky behavior based on solid information delivered through a comprehensive Health Management Information System.
Queen Rania has given special interest to health-related mandates. For her commitment and contribution in the field of health, Queen Rania, who is a board member of The Vaccine Fund, was this year awarded the UAE Health Foundation prize as well as named World Health Organization Patron for Violence Prevention in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.
RHAS utilizes global examples to solve local health problems. It builds on international expertise and knowledge, translating such information to suit Jordanian needs and demands.
The society will host some prominent figures in the world who have contributed to promoting healthy living. Among those is the director of the Presidential Physical Fitness and Sports Program, which is carried out by the U.S. Department of Health.
RHAS’ board of trustees consists of 11 founding members representing different sectors and specialties in Jordan, including Dr. Sima Bahouth, Dr. Issam Sakit, Mr. Ghassan Nuqul, Mr. Ghassan Laham, Mr. Ali Bilbeisi, Ms. Lana Kalimat, Mr. Mustapha Tabaa and Dr. Najwa Arif.
Queen Rania's official website
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